Mā te Rangatiratanga Te Whakaritenga Te Kaitiākitanga Te Kōtahitanga Me Te Ngākau Māhaki Ka tau i raro i te whakaaro kōtahi Hei ōranga mo tātou katoa Haumi.


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Presentation transcript:

Mā te Rangatiratanga Te Whakaritenga Te Kaitiākitanga Te Kōtahitanga Me Te Ngākau Māhaki Ka tau i raro i te whakaaro kōtahi Hei ōranga mo tātou katoa Haumi ē! Hui ē! Taiki ē!

 Korero, parirau Hopehope, pakipaki x2 Hurihuri, hurihuri Huri - Ki runga! Hurihuri, hurihuri Huri - Ki raro! Korero, parirau Hopehope, pakipaki x2 Oma-oma, oma-oma Oma - E tū! x2 Korero, parirau Hopehope, pakipaki x2 Kanikani, kanikani Kani - Kia tau! Talk with you hands, flap your arms like wings Hands on your hips, clap your hands Turn, turn Turn - arms up high! Turn, turn Turn - arms down by side! Talk with you hands, flap your arms like wings Hands on your hips, clap your hands Run, run, Run, run, Run - stand to attention! Talk with you hands, flap your arms like wings Hands on your hips, clap your hands Dance, dance, Dance - and now stop!

EDUC7935 Sessions 10. Tuesday 8 th Sept 2015

 Part 2 Intro & overview – Schedule, Lecturers, Readings, Lit Review loans, related in-class assessment (open-book)  Defining transitions, types of transitions  Own memories & experiences of transitions  Boundary Encounters – supporting the process

“Increasingly, young children are faced with negotiating a series of pathways, transitions and border crossings during their early childhood ” (Woodhead & Moss,2007, p. 8).

Reading 1  Fabian, H. (2007). Informing transitions. In A-W. Dunlop and H. Fabian (Eds.)Informing transitions in the early years: research, policy and practice. Maidenhead : McGraw-Hill/Open University Press In your table groups complete the reading question and discussion sheet… Feedback to class…

 Transition: “movement, passage, or change from one position, state, stage, subject, concept, etc., to another; change: the transition from adolescence to adulthood” (Oxford Dictionary).  “A transition is likely to involve a change of culture and status” (Fabian, 2007, p.7)  “Effective transitions are a function of communication of all participants and of co- construction” (Dunlop & Fabian, 2007, p. 10)

Human development can be characterised as a series of transitions:  Birth  Babyhood / toddler / young child/ Adolescence/ teen/adult  Developing relationships  Promotion and job changes  Marriage/civil partnerships  Parenthood  Getting older  Retirement  Disability and death

 Into ECE (from home)  Transitions within routines  Between areas/age-groups  Between centres/services  To school/between schools  To High school  To Tertiary/Apprenticeships  To work Critiquing the theoretical positions – what about children with special needs? From different cultural backgrounds? Different ECE contexts – ie bilingual/immersion

Small Group Task 1. You are moving to/travelling to a new country What will you need & why? What would help you settle? What would restrict your ability to adjust/settle easily?

 “…as children move from an early childhood setting into school, this involves crossing both a physical and a cultural ‘border’. This is both a symbolic as well as a literal change of environments. It is a time of change for children and their families, and as such it offers up many opportunities, but also dilemmas and challenges that must be faced” (Hartley, C., Rogers, P., Smith, J., Peters, S., & Carr, M, 2012, p. 1).

Memories of your own transition/s  Share your memories of a transition that you have experienced.  What do you remember feeling? What helped or hindered you at this time?

 A boundary divides or separates. It is a place of division between what is familiar, and what is unknown. A boundary is also a place for connecting: being simultaneously part of both sides. Encounters at the boundary can lead to useful re-constructions of those boundaries offering a purposeful ground for learning and development  …organizational boundaries are often understood as a source for sense making and identity constitution, allowing for the attribution of reputation… Pennings & Kyungmook, 1999, cited in Keruso, H. (2001). Boundary Encounters as a Place for Learning and Development at Work. Outlines, 1,

Small Group Task : Transition across age groups within an ECE centre What is expected of teachers? (roles/responsibilities) What is expected of whanau/parents? (roles/responsibilities)\ How are they supported – by whom?

 childhood/teaching-and-learning/ece- curriculum/transitions-in-ece/listening-to- different-perspectives/ childhood/teaching-and-learning/ece- curriculum/transitions-in-ece/listening-to- different-perspectives/

Principles of Te Whāriki – reflecting on transition  Refer to handout – source  Consider ideas/examples for each question

 Session 11: Peters, Hartley, Rogers, Smith & Carr (2009)  Session 12:Lee (2004)

E te Atua Kia ora ra koe Mo to manaaki kia matou I tenei wa Ma to awhina Ma to Aroha Whakapainga matou katoa Amine