Assignment: Start a PowerPoint Presentation. Save as (Your Name) Business Proposal Project. The 1 st slide should have your name, and company name. Research a company on the Internet that has a broad product mix. 2 nd Slide the following information on the company and it’s product mix: Company Name List Product Mix (Broad Categories) Like the KRAFT example
Then… Choose one product out of a product line that has NO (or very little) line extension. Brainstorm 5 product extensions, list them on the PowerPoint. Put on Slide 3! Put name of original product on top, list extension below. Example: Snickers Snickers Almond Dark Chocolate Snickers White Chocolate Snickers Peanut Butter Snickers Snickers 100 Calorie
Assignment: Choose the best product mix product that you created (the one you think could really sell). Develop and draw a picture (prototype) of the product. Full page view, packaging should be the focus. List details of the product on PowerPoint Slide on Slides 4 and 5: Name Size(s) Color (if applicable) Flavor (if applicable) What makes it new and exciting Places you hope to sell product (Store Category) Convenience store, etc. Cost of the product/ Single and Case cost (how many in 1 case) MSRP (Manufacturers Suggested Retail Price)
Screening Ideas Slide 6 Develop a slide with all of your products Features and the Benefits they provide. Have 1 benefit that matches each feature. FeatureBenefit Zipper on SweatshirtEasy on and off Brand NamePrestige CottonWarm/Easy care HoodHat/Stylish
Not Done Yet: We will be adding more to the project.. Just keep working and saving your work!!