Bionic contacts are a new technology that is being developed by the university of Washington. There are just a few kinks though. First of all they can’t figure out how to power these super eyes. Also they need to figure out how they can make sure that these contacts will not react with real eyes and that they will fit.
Now you’re probably wondering what the uses of this fantastical “Bionic Eye”? Well this contact can bring up images that no one else can see for you up on your eye. Also it can make things you are seeing bigger so that you don’t have to squint.
This product will benefit society by helping people to see better as well as letting people surf the web or watch their favorite movie while exercising. It could also help reduce clutter because you could just upload books onto your contact. You might even be able to carry your textbooks in it. That is how this product will benefit society.
Sadly this beneficial product is not available to the public yet because so far it is only a prototype. Even when it does reach the public it will probably be very expensive so normal people will not be able to get it for a long time. That is when this product will be able to reach the public.