22nd District Agricultural Association CDP Application
Introduction – Mission Statement The 22nd District Agricultural Association (22 nd DAA) manages and operates the Del Mar Fairgrounds; its nearby equestrian facility, the Horsepark; and the Del Mar Golf Center, on behalf of the State of California. No tax monies are used in the operation of these facilities. Mission Statement of the 22 nd DAA: To manage and promote a world-class, multi-use, public assembly facility with an emphasis on agriculture, education, entertainment and recreation in a fiscally sound and environmentally conscientious manner for the benefit of all. 2
22 nd DAA Statistics One of the Top 5 Largest Fairs in North America; Largest Fair in California (1.5 million visitors); Fair is Largest Annual Event in San Diego County; Annual Race Meet Attendance is 700,000; 3.5 Million Visitors Annually for all Events; Economic Impact of Approximately $450-$500 Million 5,000 Full-time Equivalent (FTE) Jobs Low-Cost Visitor Serving Facility 3
DAA – Environmental Commitments 4
CDP Commitments CDP Commitments Full restoration: 9.55-acre SOL to tidal wetlands, $5 million Creation of 100 foot buffers along southern edge of the SOL, EOL and GDR Creation of buffers in other areas Construction of a segment of the Coast to Crest Trail on SOL Removal of rip-rap and restoration on northern shore of San Dieguito River Protection of wetlands and buffer areas with conservation easements $20,000/year for 5 years to assist San Dieguito River Park JPA 5
Additional CDP Commitments Additional CDP Commitments Provision of office space at Fairgrounds for JPA ranger Trash pick-up and removal along the Coast to Crest Trail on DAA property Installation of interpretive signs along buffer and restoration areas Projects to promote coastal awareness, including addition of coastal conservation component to San Diego County Fair’s Plant/Grow/Eat program and/or its school tours program to be developed in consultation with CCC’s Public Education Program Sponsorship of annual San Dieguito River Park cleanup west of I-5 Complimentary booth space at San Diego County Fair for CCC’s public education program, to use for educational and outreach purposes regarding coastal resources and inclusion of a coastal conservation component on the Fairgrounds website, including a link to CCC’s public education website 6
Traffic/ Parking East Overflow Lot Horsepark Property South Overflow Lot Full Restoration Clarification of Issues 7
Traffic / Parking 8
SOL Parking Study Parking study DID NOT address potential loss of EOL 9
Clarification of Facts on Parking Study Parking study created a world of potentials to offset parking lost through SOL restoration Off-site lots not guaranteed School lots not available other than summer EOL is used throughout the year Off-site lots impact nearby residential areas Parking turnover phenomena Designated Mega Emergency County Evacuation Center 10
Loss of EOL Parking Will Cause Impacts to Coastal Access Majority of patrons will not accept hassle of shuttle Greater degree of parking in nearby beach and residential areas Increased traffic congestion Conflicts with the State’s Mission Goals 11
Fair Parking Demand 12
East Overflow Lot 13
Between 1993 and 2007 the EOL and GDR have been delineated five times 2012 delineation was required under the Consent Orders “We anticipated back then that there would be a need to balance the impacts to wetlands associated with the year round use of the east overflow lot against the value of restoration of the entire SOL. We don’t think that the updated wetland delineation changes that balance.” CCC Staff, October 11, 2013 Hearing Delineation History 14
Per CCC Staff Ecologist, EOL is low functioning: “the vegetation communities that do develop probably have relatively low value for wildlife. Also, the ground is so severely compacted that it is probably relatively poor foraging habitat for birds.” CCC Staff Memo from J. Dixon, PhD to A. Llerandi September 6, 2013 EOL Is “Low Value” Resource 15
EOL Characteristics Typical Conditions 16
5.81 acres of highly disturbed habitat; dominated by nonnative species Not tidally engaged Elevations well above high tide line (+5.09 feet NGVD) Southern EOL berm/JPA trail exceeds +10 feet NGVD If uses in Area 3 were removed this area would likely persist in a degraded state as non-tidal disturbed habitat dominated by nonnative species If uses in Area 3 were removed this area would likely persist in a degraded state as non-tidal disturbed habitat dominated by nonnative species The EOL Is Highly Degraded 17
4.5 acres will be donated to a public agency Comprehensive restoration planning effort under way for San Dieguito River Provides missing piece of the puzzle Horsepark Property Donation 18
South Overflow Lot 19
South Overflow Lot Wetlands CDP Approval Provides: 9.5 acres $5 million Create an ecologically high-functioning wetland Restoring proper tidal hydrology and inundation periods Will support wide variety of species 20
SOL Restoration 21
SOL Restoration “Phase I and Phase ll of the tidal restoration of the southern overflow parking lot will have similar ecological benefits and functionally will become an integral part of the larger marsh. These tidally inundated habitats are ecologically far more valuable than the disturbed seasonal freshwater marsh that is currently present on the south overflow lot, as well as on the east overflow lot and golf driving range.” John D. Dixon, Ph.D. CCC Ecologist September 6, 2013 Memorandum 22
Closing Statement The 22 nd DAA supports staff’s recommendation for approval of CDP No with the elimination of Special Conditions No. 1 and No