I am looking forward to an exciting term with the children and we have already started planning what we would like to learn this year. It is lovely to see the children back in class. Any questions please come and ask. Mrs. Johnson 7 th September -After School clubs start back 25 th September - Inset Class trip to Gnoll Park – DTBC Class trip to library – DTBC Techniquest visit to school – DTBC 19 th October – Open evening 2 nd – 6 th November – Anti-bullying Week 15 th and 16 th December - Christmas concert 18 th December -End of term Keep checking the newsletters too!! Reading – weekly guided reading with the teacher. Children can change their individual books whenever they have finished them, even if our teacher may not have heard us read them. Bring them daily just in case. PE – kit needed on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Wednesday – Indoor kit (Black shorts/white T-shirt) Wednesday - Music Thursday – Games (Outdoor kits) After school clubs to start week beginning: 7 th September Water bottles need to be taken home regularly for cleaning. New ones will be available from the office soon Fruit – 30p a day Please can you start collecting boxes, shapes, twigs, cardboard, string, tinfoil.
Iron Man in the land of Avengers lug.shtml English – writing recounts of events, trips and instructions on how to make Avenger Recipes. The children will make a book which will be displayed in a library. Our class novel this term is The Iron Man by Ted Hughes. The children have already read the first chapter. How exciting!! Maths – Place value up to 10,000, multiplication 2digit numbers by 2 digit numbers, division within 1,000, fractions, percentages, making 3D models, reading scales for measurement, digital time. Science – We will look at how some materials are formed and produced. Also the properties of materials relating to their uses. We will compare the features and properties of some natural and manmade materials We will be using our skills to find out which materials are rigid and suitable for building bridges and tall land marks. We will learn how to use different tools safely. We will also learn how to make a book on what we have found out and how to present and edit this information. We will investigate different art skills and make a recipe book which will contain various recipes In R.E we will be exploring harvest, rules and Christmas traditions. In Welsh we will send postcards, write character descriptions and design menus. We are going to be very busy! Home reading of my individual book. Mental math - counting on and back in 10’s, 100’s, 1000’s, 10,000. Practicing times tables 4,5,6,8,9 times tables. Collect and research information related to our topic which is all about materials and the novel ‘The Iron Man’.