New title page ENERGY
DO NOW Q1. Define a force? Q2. What is the unit for force and its symbol?
Do Now (Answers) Q1. Define a force? A force is a push or pull. Forces make objects start or stop moving Q2. What is the unit for force and its symbol? Forces are measured in Newtons and its symbol is N.
SLO’s for today At the end of this lesson I should be able to: 1. Define a force and its units. 2. Recognise how unbalanced force affects movement. 3. Calculate speed from distance and time values. 4. Plot distance and speed versus time graphs for movement.
Forces overview
Revision from Y9 1. Effects of a force? 2. Different types of forces? 3. Measuring forces? 4. Balanced and unbalanced forces: Definition and examples
Introduction Forces are pushes or pulls. Sometimes forces make an object change its motion. Forces can change the direction and the speed of moving objects. A force has a size and a direction. The size is measured in newtons while arrows is used to show the direction of a force. Different types of forces are: field forces and contact forces. Magnetism and gravity are examples of field forces and friction and tension are examples of contact forces.
Balanced forces When the forces acting on an object are balanced, the object does not accelerate: The object will either be: * stationary * travelling at a steady speed in a straight line. E.g: Resting object, forces on a moving speed boat
Movement P28/29 1.If the forces acting on an object are balanced it will be moving with a constant speed in a straight line or stationary. 2.If the forces acting on an object are unbalanced then it will be accelerating. 3.Newton (N) 4.N/A 5.(a) 5 ms -1 (b) 4 ms -1 (c) 14 ms -1 (d) 250 ms -1 6.(a) Stationary (b) The steepness is a measure of the speed. (c) A curved line shows changing speed (acceleration).
HOMEWORK Pg Workbook (WB) Due Tue 3/05/11