ENDANGERED SPECIES An animal or plant species that has very few organisms and can become extinct. Usually happens because of habitat destruction, introduction of exotic species, unregulated illegal hunting, competition, and disease.
WHAT CAN WE DO TO PREVENT ENDANGERMENT? One thing we can do is stop using pesticides like DDT in foreign countries. The Endangered Species Act protects fish, plants, and other wildlife. We can also create more National Parks and nature reserves.
ENDANGERED ANIMALS IN PENNSYLVANIA The Rough Pigtoe is endangered because of the loss of its habitat due to dams and the overflow of water. Indiana Bats are endangered because there aren’t enough caves. Other things that cause them to be endangered are pesticides and a disease called White Nose Syndrome. The Eastern Puma is endangered because of hunting, loss of habitat, and a shortage of food and prey.
ENDANGERED PLANTS IN PENNSYLVANIA The Small Whorled Pogonia is endangered because of urban development, which is destroying their habitats. The Northeastern Bulrush is endangered because of habitat modification and destruction.
SPECIES Native: A plant or animal that normally lives and thrives in an ecosystem. Introduced: A species that does not usually live in an area but is brought there by humans. Invasive: A Species of plants or animals that is non-native to the environment, whose introduction may cause economic or environmental harm.
INVASIVE SPECIES AND THEIR ENVIRONMENT Most Invasive Species get to a new environment because of humans. Some are get here naturally. To help pest control Released from captivity Ballast water released from ships Ornamental Purposes Used for hunting and fishing game How They Affect The Environment displace native species alter ecosystem processes reduce native wildlife habitat reduce forest health and productivity
NORTHERN SNAKEHEAD Scientific Name: Channa Argus This fish is native to China, Korea, and Russia and is used in rice farming as a source of food to the farmers and as a predator for pests. It can move from location to location on land and survive if buried in mud. It can wipe our a small pond or stream ecosystem. It eats a variety of native fish, and they have no natural predators.
ROUND GOBY Scientific Name: Neogobius Melanostomus This fish is native to the Black and Caspian Seas in Europe. Can hunt in total darkness which makes it easy for it to find prey without it finding them. Can survive long, awful winter conditions and hot summer conditions. It is a very aggressive bottom feeder which means it competes with other native fish and wipes out other bottom feeders.
DOMESTIC DOVE Scientific Name: Columbia Livia This bird is native to many different parts of Europe. Source of food all over the world. Lives near buildings and farms It carries Exotic Newcastle Disease which can be spread and endanger human health Droppings do much damage such as kill vegetation and food sources. They also destroy and damage buildings
AMUR MAPLE Scientific Name: Acer Ginnala This tree is native to Russia and China. Very tolerant to many different environmental factors. Is used as an ornamental tree during summer time. It displaces native vegetation and outcompetes native flora because of it’s environmental tolerance and beauty.
CHOCOLATE VINE Scientific Name: Akebia Quinata This Vine is native to Japan can be used to treat cancer and fungi infections threat to native flora because it is very dense and can outgrow native plants Produces small edible fruits
REINTRODUCED AND EXTIRPATED SPECIES Reintroduced: a release of species from captivity or other areas where the species can survive back into the wild. Extirpated: a species that no longer exists in the wild in a certain area but can be found elsewhere.
REINTRODUCED SPECIES IN PENNSYLVANIA ROCKY MOUNTAIN ELK They released 177 Elk from South Dakota and Wyoming into Pennsylvania because of the low elk population in the state. They then became known as the Rocky Mountain Elk.