Consumer aspects of the proposed Single Market Regulation Peter Eberl DG CONNECT Unit B-2 (Regulatory Coordination & Users) Brussels, 18 September 2013
End users Consumers and business customers, differentiation where appropriate Full harmonisation of end-users' rights (contracts, transparency etc.) Non-discrimination between domestic and intra- EU services Facilitated change of provider: harmonised rules for switching and number portability Net neutrality Roaming 2
Pre-contractual information Information to be provided before conclusion of contract: clear, comprehensible, in user's language Integral part of the contract and cannot be altered without express agreement of contracting parties Information on actually available speed and other relevant quality parameters for internet access Information on data volume caps, if any Significant and non-temporary discrepancies are deemed to be non-conformity of performance => remedies under national law 3
Transparency, comparison tools, consumption control Transparency: focus on essential information Comparison tools: by certified providers If market does not deliver: NRA or other authority On-going data consumption control (in case of caps) "Bill shock" facility: financial limit set by user; provider has to inform user when 80% consumed Option for itemised bills, free of charge 4
Contract termination Irrespective of contract duration termination possible after 6 months with 1-month notice: no compensation except for residual value of subsidised equipment or other promotions No automatic roll-over: if contract foresees tacit extension, provider has to inform user explicitly and in due time; if user does not oppose to extension, user can terminate at any moment with 1-month notice Termination and switching rules apply to all elements of bundles comprising at least one electronic communications service 5
Switching and number portability Gaining provider to lead switching and number porting process Automatic termination of "old" contract; refunding of pre-paid credits Number porting and activation within one day No switching against the user's will Providers delaying or abusing the switching process are obliged to compensate users forwarding facility Global process may be set by national authorities 6
Net Neutrality Open internet access Volume and speed-based contracts possible Harmonised rules for reasonable traffic management: ban on blocking and throttling of specific content, applications and services, except for a limited number of justified derogations Specialised services with enhanced quality (IP-TV, business services, eHealth) : possible as long as they do not impair general quality of best effort internet => important role for national regulators 7
Many thanks for your attention! 8