(As they imagine and predict…)
The cars will look something like this: - they will be smaller -they will be compact - they will be easy to park - they will use less fuel
New mobile phones: - Mobile phones will not just call our friends - The phones will use holograms to show the person who is calling us…
Teleportation …... will not only exist in our imagination. Using beams we will be able to travel through space and to land anywhere we want in just under seconds. I – personally - hope, that we can travel even through time. I would certainly correct some of my mistakes….
Habitats Houses will be much more modern. They predict that we will live in such Eko- villages. They will be a solar powered, robotized, and totally green – because of the environment.
Computers This is how computers will look like. Plus voice activation, artificial intelligence, and other sweet improvements :D
Robots We already have robots in our life… … but in 2050 they will be better, smarter, faster, quieter… … a HUMAN’S DREAM!
Health-care By that time they will find the cure for a lot of inconvenient disease. And they will find the anti ageing cure, too! At least I hope so, because I will be 54 by then…
And these were what predictions about the future! ….