“ THE OLD CHARTS CALL IT SHIP-TRAP ISLAND,” WHITNEY REPLIED. “A SUGGESTIVE NAME, ISN’T IT? SAILORS HAVE A CURIOUS DREAD OF THE PLACE. I DON’T KNOW WHY. SOME SUPERSTITION—” (PAGE 19) Richard Connell creates setting by explaining where they are and what they see. The setting is made to sound mysterious and creepy almost. The characters need to be careful not to get close to that island especially because of its mysterious name.
AN ABRUPT SOUND STARTLED HIM. OFF TO THE RIGHT HE HEARD IT, AND HIS EARS, EXPERT IN SUCH MATTERS, COULD NOT BE MISTAKEN. AGAIN HE HEARD THE SOUND, AND AGAIN. SOMEWHERE, OFF IN THE BLACKNESS, SOMEONE HAD FIRED A GUN THREE TIMES. (PAGE 20) The character soon realizes that where he is and the island in front of them is very dangerous and its dark and one of the characters is hearing noises coming from the jungle. Now this character is on edge and listening for more noises.
HE HEARD IT AGAIN; THEN IT WAS CUT SHORT BY ANOTHER NOISE, CRISP, STACCATO. “PISTOL SHOT,” MUTTERED RAINSFORD, SWIMMING ON. TEN MINUTES OF DETERMINED EFFORT BROUGHT ANOTHER SOUND TO HIS EARS—THE MOST WELCOME HE HAD EVER HEARD—THE MUTTERING AND GROWLING OF THE SEA BREAKING ON A ROCKY SHORE. (PAGE 21) When Rainsford fell off the boat he had to swim and he hears water crashing on rocks and he has found land. He now has to figure out what to do on land and see what’s on land that he swam to.