Camp Swatara 5th Grade Camping 2015
5th Grade Overnight Camping Thank You!
Camp Personnel 180 5th graders 45 parents 14 Teachers/Staff 1 principal: Mr. Rada 1 nurse: Mrs. Behney
Thursday Morning Arrive at camp at 9:15 or ride the bus (If riding the bus, please be at the school by 8:30) Meet the campers at your cabin East Camp- Report to the main lodge at 9:55 and sit with table group West Camp- Line up in front of West Lodge according to tribe 11:00 - 1:00 (lunch, parent led hike, group dynamics)
Thursday Afternoon Report to activity stations Be on time Activity stations will be run by teachers Assist with discipline and activity if needed Allow extra time to get to the canoeing, lakeside activity, and stream study stations Volleyball area is available for those who do not want to swim for the 1 1/2 hours
Thursday Evening Dancing/Double Dutch Parent involvement in this activity is strongly encouraged which will assist with crowd control Military History Campfire Staff will be located in the North Lodge Mrs. Behney will be located in the West Lodge Lights Out No leaving the cabin Noise at a minimum Bedtime at your discretion
Friday Morning Rise and Shine at 7:00 am Breakfast at 8:00 am Cabin clean up following breakfast Equipment is packed, sleeping bag rolled Porches are cleaned Trash is picked up Inspect cabins for anything left behind Luggae packed and taken to vehicles or East/West lodges Report to scheduled activities Lunch is then provided Buses arrive at 12:30
Meal Time Note your table group seating in the Parent Volunteer Handbook (United Tribes) Meals are served family style 2 table setters - 15 minutes prior to meal 2 servers 2 clearers Jobs should be established when you sit with your table group at the 10:00 Orientation Meeting Tribes should be lined up in front of lodge 5 minutes prior to meal time
Meal Clean Up Follow the order of clean up: Plates Extra Food and Serving Dishes Bowls Silverware Cups (Do Not Stack)
Campfire East – Theodore Axarlils, Lowell Hartzell West – Jason Firestone, Christopher Henson Please leave your scheduled activity 45 minutes prior to the lunch and evening campfires to tend to building the fire.
Additional Information It is extremely important that parent volunteers remain with their tribe at all times. If there is a discipline problem, please alert Mrs. Weaver or Mrs. Shaak on the east and Mrs. Hibshman or Mrs. Miller on the west immediately, in order to take care of the issue. No running or smoking is permitted.
Additional Information The nurse is located in West Camp If any camper receives scheduled medication, the nurse will find the camper. Mr. Rada, Mrs. Weaver, Mrs. Shaak, Mrs. Hibshman or Mrs. Miller, and Mrs. Behney will have walkie-talkies in case of emergencies. If you receive any prescription medication from a camper, please give it to a director or the nurse. PLEASE DO NOT DISPERSE ANY OVER THE COUNTER MEDICATION.
Additional Information We will be taking a roll call at the 10:00 Orientation Meeting If any tribe is in need of additional mattresses, it will be taken care of at the meeting Always use the buddy system No food, candy, or gum should be brought to camp. Campers are permitted to take showers Bring bug repellent/tic repellent Parent Volunteers are not permitted to drive any other students home without written permission
Additional Information 4-Square and Basketball are available in front of both lodges, however please make sure your campers are not playing these when they should be at a scheduled activity Station activities will be held rain or shine. In the event of severe weather, campers may need to return to the cabins. Feel free to bring along playing cards or board games in case cabin time is needed.
Closing Bussing Information Paper Questions Thank you again for donating your time! See you on the 28th!