TBM Vacuum considerations Alex Vamvakas 15/07/2015
Outline Existing system Proposed changes Points to be discussed 15/07/20152
T0 vacuum system Central tank Central pumping Coupling of 2 girders UHV tests not achieved No damping material 15/07/20153
Decoupling of the two girders: Mini pumps on PETS and SAS Independent vacuum tank for MB Similar configuration tested in CLEX New vacuum system proposal 15/07/20154
Mini pumps on PETS and SAS Considerations: Number of pumps (2/PETS,SAS) Supports Heat transfer to PETS and SAS (pumps power?) Reducing flanges 15/07/20155
Mini pump on T1 PETS Rotate PETS vacuum chamber by 90 o : Possible, as PETS not yet fabricated No support needed Considerations: Vertical position OK? Very tight clearance with PETS core, offset needed? 15/07/20156
MB Vacuum network T0.2 Considerations: 2 pumps enough? Ports for external pumping, sensors 15/07/20157
MB Vacuum network T1 Considerations: 2 pumps enough? Ports for external pumping, sensors 15/07/20158
Vacuum network Considerations: Tubing dimensions Forces on SAS Bellows necessary? Total weight per waveguide: 2kg per load 1kg from tank assembly 15/07/20159
General comments Pumps control: Power DAQ Interconnection with thermal/alignment measurements Pumps vibration Isolation required? Next steps? 15/07/201510