Mrs. Lang -Earth and Environmental Science -Biology WELCOME BACK!!
Formula for Success Be Respectful Be Responsible Be Prepared Participate
Classwork - EES Grading percentages Participation grade Grading scale Make-up work, excused absences Labs Tests/Quizzes in the VASC Late assignments Within a week = 70% Always before test If something comes up… Cheating – zero tolerance
Classwork - Biology Grading percentages Grading scale Make-up work, excused absences Labs Tests/Quizzes in the VASC Late assignments 1 day = ½ credit Always before test If something comes up… Cheating – zero tolerance
Website and IC Check often! Contains Assignments – deadlines and copies Additional resources Current grades
Extra Help Mrs. Lang 4 th and 7 th After school Homeroom (200) VASC Ask Questions
Class Procedures What you need daily No green pen! Cell phones No food or drink other than water Gum Headphones Hall pass
Lab Safety Fire safety equipment location Eye wash and safety shower Hands off…
Picture that describes you Activities you are in or would like to try this year What is a goal for you this year? What technology do you have and use on a regular basis outside of school? Your Name (what you preferred to be called)Class