A visual review of WH 1
Greek Architecture 2 major Greek contributions Parthenon 3 types of columns
The Parthenon - temple to Athena
3 types of Greek columns Doric - simple Ionian - fancier Corinthian - fanciest see pictures
Doric - simple
Ionian - fancier
Corinthian - fanciest
ROMAN architecture Pantheon - in Rome, temple to all of the Roman gods, concrete dome
Pantheon - to all of the Roman gods
Rome’s Colosseum A stadium for gladitorial fights/ entertainment
Rome’s Colosseum
The Forum in Rome – a place “for-um” to shop
features of Roman architecture have been reproduced in Western buildings arch dome concrete
Rome’s roads - for moving people & stuff
A Roman aqueduct - for moving water
Another aqueduct, in Fr., built by Romans in 49 BC
aqueducts to move water from where it is to where it was needed
Hagia Sophia - Church minarets were added later by Muslims
Hagia Sophia largest Christian church of its time built in Constantinople (city is now known as Istanbul) notice the rectangular room with a round dome
A Russian church - notice the onion- shaped domes with crosses
A mosque in Hampton - notice the crescent moon atop the dome, NOT a cross
Kaaba in Mecca - destination for Muslim pilgrims
Mosque in Mecca - see the minarets
The Great Wall - WAS the border, isn’t a border any more
Notice the Silk Road, the red line pointing the way to the west
Note location of China’s Huang River - Huang has a hump
India began along the Indus River
the Indus and Ganges 2 very important rivers for India
Egypt’s pyramids - tombs for pharaohs(kings)
Egypt’s location along the Nile - in yellow
Sumerian ziggurat - temple made of brick
The Fertile Crescent - shown in yellow
2 major rivers - Tigris & Euphrates
Greece’s location
Greece’s Location, location, location Good for trade On a peninsula between Mediterranean Sea & Aegean Sea easy sailing distance to Egypt & Fertile Crescent
Rival Greek city-states - Athens & Sparta
Rome’s Empire at its largest
Kingdom of Kush yellow along the Nile River in what is now Sudan.
Ghana In west Africa Economy based on gold for salt trade across the Sahara region
2 African Civilizations Kush in East Africa Ghana in West Africa major similarity - both relied on trade major difference - different trading partners
Ghana, Mali, Songhai Zimbabwe Axum Kush
Egyptian hieroglyphs - (pictograms)pictures representing words
Bird tracks on wet sand? No Cuneiform Sumerian writing
The Phoenicians were the first to develop an alphabet ABCDEFGHIJKLOMNO PQRSTUVWXYZ The Greeks and Romans revised it. Ours is the Roman alphabet
Black Sea Baltic Sea
Andes Mountains
South & East Asia Himalayas Hindu Kush Mountains
Korea China
Japan Sea of Japan