Unit Six : Delete Redundant and Needless Phrases 除去重複及不必要的措 詞 柯泰德網路線上科技英 文論文編修訓練服務
這些擾人重複不必要 的文詞其實可以完全 去除,或是用更簡明 的方式 表達。作者 若不注意這個細節則 會使句子愈變愈長。
您會如何修改此文句 呢 ? n It is well known that a majority of Taguchi method applications have the capacity for addressing a single-response problem. n 較佳 : Most Taguchi method applications can address a single-response problem.
您會如何修改此文句 呢 ? n It may be said that computers have the ability to incorporate kinds of equipment in order that the user is in a position to interact with the computer. n 較佳 : Computers can incorporate equipment so that the user can interact with the computer.
您會如何修改此文句 呢 ? n It is the operator who makes a determination of the questions as to the phase should be implemented. n 較佳 : The operator determines whether to implement the phase.
您會如何修改此文句 呢 ? n There is a guideline that makes a provision of the necessary requirements. n 較佳 : A guideline provides the requirements.
您會如何修改此文句 呢 ? n It has been found that any error that might happen will be more destructive in light of the fact that XYZ applications is in a position to make direct calls to the hardware. n 較佳 : Any possible error will be more destructive since XYZ applications can make direct calls to the hardware.
您會如何修改此文句 呢 ? n It has long been known that the logon between the workstation and NT server is encrypted considering the fact that an eavesdropper actually wants to gain the ID and password. n 較佳 : The logon between the workstation and NT server is encrypted because an eavesdropper wants to gain the ID and password.
您會如何修改此文句 呢 ? n It is our opinion that Windows 95 is for all intents and purposes a good operating system in a situation in which the user has many requirements. n 較佳 : We believe that Windows 95 is a good operating system when the user has many requirements.
您會如何修改此文句 呢 ? n It is possible that the error affects the necessary requirements when attempting to ascertain the location of the variables. n 較佳 : The error might affect the requirements when attempting to find the variables.
您會如何修改此文句 呢 ? n It is noted that 10Mbps network cards are basically becoming obsolete for the reason of their slow data transfer rates. n 較佳 : 10Mbps network cards are becoming obsolete because of their slow data transfer rates.
您會如何修改此文句 呢 ? n It is interesting to note that monitoring features in most cases inform the user provided that a performance bottleneck occurs. n 較佳 : Notably, (OR Interestingly,) monitoring features usually inform the user if a performance bottleneck occurs.
詳細內容請參考 : 科技英文編修訓練手 冊 ( 柯泰德 著 ) 網址 : dv.tw/