System for automatic detection of fires
Each tower has a camera rotating 360 degrees per minute (approx), 24 hours a day. | How it works Monitoring coverage area
| How it works Early fire outbreak
Ao detectar sinal de fumaça, o sistema emitirá imediatamente alarme visual e sonoro ao operador da sala de monitoramento. | How it works Detection of fire outbreak Our advanced automatic detection algorithm identifies the occurrence of smoke from the site of the fire
Once found to have occurred, the system enables the precise location of the fire coordinates either in automatic mode or in manual mode with added agility. | How it works Triangulation coordinate
Details of the system
Composition full system Operational structure | Monitoring roomMonitoring tower 1. Full HD camera with illuminator 2. Broadcast via Radio 3. Intrusion with Motion Detection 4. Communication by bidirectional voice 5. Perimeter protection 6. Container for equipment 7. Photovoltaic Panel 8. LED Reflectors 1. Server 2. Workstation 3. VideoWall 4. Switch
Topology System | Fluxogram
What's most advanced The Sintecsys innovative platform is the result of the union of partners such as BOSCH (Hardware) and National Instruments (programming language), and other software and hardware integrators. That enables custom enhancements for each application. | Tecnology
Interface system
| Interface system Login screen
| Interface system Operating screen
| Interface system Asset protection
| Interface system Self-diagnosis display
All information in the system can be quickly compiled in the form of reports and graphs. Reports can be customized according to customer needs. | Interface system Reports screen
| System customization The Forest SI enables constant improvements, as we have our own engineering team dedicated to developing the software in the best interests of each client. System customization Integration with other systems Plant growth Measurement Climate measurements
Direct benefits Possibility of reduction of more than 90% of losses from fires; Identification in minutes coordinate the seat of fire; Ability to reduce fixed costs with the fire brigade; Effective monitoring and APP security, AAVC and Planting Areas; Reports of Issue and full graphics of occurrences according to desired range. | Productivity
Fringe Benefits Commitment to sustainable development; environmental asset generation; Ability to raise funds aimed at protecting the environment; Agreements with environmental protection agencies; Sustainable Corporate image next to the supervisory bodies. | Sustainability
Check out the instructional video system | Video
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