Nutrients… Are substances in food that provide energy and materials for cell development, growth, and repair. Group 1
Classes of Nutrients CarbohydratesProteins Fats Vitamins Vitamins. ORGANIC (Contain carbon) Group 1
Classes of Nutrients Carbohydrates Carbohydrates: main source of energy Proteins Proteins: used for growth. Made of amino acids. Fats Fats: provide energy (stored) and help body absorb vitamins Vitamins Vitamins: organic nutrients that help your body to use other nutrients. Group 1
Classes of Nutrients Minerals Water Digestion and Nutrients Inorganic (no carbon) Group 2
Classes of Nutrients Minerals Minerals: Inorganic nutrients that regulate many chemical reactions in your body. Water Water: Most vital factor for survival, other than oxygen. Water enables chemical reactions to take place in your cells. Group 2
Enzymes Enzymes are molecules that speed up the rate of chemical reactions They do this without being changed or used up. Enzymes also speed up reactions by reducing amount of energy necessary for a chemical change to begin. Group 3
Digestive Enzymes are: AMYLASE is a starch-degrading enzyme secreted in the mouth. This enzyme breaks down carbohydrates. PEPSIN, found in the stomach, causes complex proteins to break down into less complex proteins. Enzymes are also responsible for MANY chemical reactions in your body---not just the ones involved in digestion! Group 4
Your Digestive System Mouth: Begins chemical & mechanical digestion, glands in mouth produce saliva, which contains amylase, which breaks down starch MOUT H Group 5
Your Digestive System Esophagus: muscular tube that connects throat to stomach. Moves food down by squeezing (peristalsis) ESOPHAGU S Group 5
Your Digestive System Stomach: muscular bag where chemical and mechanical digestion continue; food stays here ~4 hours, changes to chyme STOMACH Group 5
Your Digestive System Small Intestine: tube nearly 7 meters long where digestive juices from liver and pancreas are added; villi absorb molecules from chyme Small Intestine Group 6
Your Digestive System Pancreas: a small organ that produces substances that stop the action of stomach acid, makes enzymes that break down carbohydrates PANCREAS Group 6
Your Digestive System Large Intestine: absorbs water from undigested food, where unabsorbed materials become more solid LARGE INTESTINE Group 6
Your Digestive System Liver: produces bile, which is stored in gall bladder. Bile breaks up large particles of fats into smaller particles. LIVER Group 7
Your Digestive System Gall Bladder: small sac that stores bile produced by liver GALL BLADDER Group 7
Your Digestive System Rectum: where muscles control the release of wastes from the body RECTUM Group 7
Brian Pop - Disgestive System Brain Pop