Case Studies: Working with young jobseekers who have complex learning and support needs Michelle Bellamy Head of Learning and Skills
Our Experience As an organisation we work with a wide range of young job seekers through delivery of: Foundation Learning ESF NEET provision Youth Contract Work Programme Work Choice
What our experience has shown Young people face significant challenges in entering the labour market and long- term NEETs even more so NEETs are not a homogenous group but do display a range of complex needs including some or all of the following: Low levels of self-esteem / confidence Low levels of motivation Low educational attainment Learning difficulties and disabilities Substance / alcohol misuse Mental Health conditions Limited access to positive social capital Lack of work experience & job skills Money – budgeting & access Relationship difficulties Housing issues Criminal activity
The Challenge for Providers Providing a programme of activities that meets the needs of: 1 - the individual learner / job seeker – with young people with complex needs a one size fits all approach doesn’t work 2 - the delivery organisation – need for some consistency, economies of scale and cost efficiencies 3 - the funders – need to meet the expectations and outcomes of our funders
Case Study: About Chris Educational Background: Chris was a 17 year old NEET who had failed to attend any school provision in years 10 and 11. His timetable had consisted of alternative education with two local training providers focusing on a vocational qualification in construction and Maths and English. He was a self-excluder and refused to attend either provider, leaving compulsory school age without any GCSEs Chris had a Statement for Behaviour, Emotional and Social Difficulties and Learning Difficulties namely Dyslexia. His reading age was 8 years and his spelling age was 11 years. Family / Social Background: Chris lived with his Mum and two younger siblings. His family were linked to a history of serious crime and his Dad was in custody. Chris had been involved in increasing criminal activity since the age of 11 years and had also been involved with local gangs. He was under an increased supervision order with YOT. Health: Chris misused both drugs and alcohol placing himself at risk. He was also suffering from sleep deprivation and anxiety due to concerns about his family now that his Dad was in prison. Career Aspirations: Chris had shown interest in becoming a painter and decorator and his YOT team officer had arranged appointments both with a local college and a local Apprenticeship provider but he did not attend either appointment.
Engagement and Participation: Referred as part of pilot PEP programme developed in partnership with YOT Barriers to engagement in previous education programmes identified PEP provided taster sessions focused on motivation, crime & consequences of crime, IAG and initial employability IAG: Key focus on career aspirations and choices Clear action plan to support career goals Health: Life Coaching support to address anxiety and sleep deprivation Education sessions to address risky behaviours Drug / alcohol awareness sessions Personal and Social Development: Activities designed to promote understanding of behaviour and effects on others Group sessions to engage and integrate learners Focus on punctuality, personal appearance and positive behaviours Learning Support: Additional 1:1 learning support Adaptation of learning materials / lesson plans Support with Maths and English Employability: Opportunities for work experience Understanding rights and responsibilities in the workplace Job search, CV work and interview skills Vocational Qualifications: Taster sessions Qualification delivery to support career goals
Key outcomes for Chris Increased motivation Focus on future goals Reduction in criminal activity Improvement in health Achievement of learning outcomes Increased confidence and self-esteem Employment
Key components of successful programmes of support Flexibility in service design Partnership working Comprehensive assessment of needs Engaging and individualised training programmes Holistic support
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