How did we become independent from England? 1.Enlightenment ideas spread in the colonies 2.England raises taxes to pay for the French and Indian War 3.Colonists protest taxes with events like the Boston Tea Party 4.England passes Intolerable Acts to force the Massachusetts colony to follow British rule. 5.Thomas Jefferson writes the Declaration of Independence
How did we become the United States? 1.Revolutionary War begins: colonists vs. England 2.The colonists declare independence from England 3.Articles of Confederation form the United States 4.The colonists win Revolutionary War 5.James Madison (mostly) writes the U.S. Constitution
What is the lawmaking process? 1.President sets the agenda for laws that are important. 2.Congress writes the bills that may become law. 3.President signs or vetoes the bills into law. 4.Congress makes changes to bills or overrides the president’s veto. 5.Supreme Court ensures that the laws passed follow the Constitution
Why do we have free speech rights in school? 1.First Amendment is added to the Constitution 2.Supreme Court rules in Gitlow v New York that school are a government that cannot take away your rights 3.Students protesting the Vietnam War wore black armbands to school 4.Supreme Court rules in Tinker v Des Moines that students can wear what they want as long as it isn’t disruptive 5.Mount Dora students are hassled for sagging and off-the- shoulder shirts because no kids sue
How does a civil trial work? 1.The plaintiff and defendant make opening statements 2.The plaintiff calls witnesses to support its case 3.The defendant calls witnesses to support its case 4.The plaintiff and defendant make closing statements 5.The judge or jury announce a verdict
How does calling a witness for the defense work? 1.The defense’s lawyer calls a witness to the stand 2.The witness is sworn in by the bailiff 3.The defense’s lawyer examines the witness, asking questions to make strong points 4.The defense’s lawyer redirects her/his questions to rebut the plaintiff’s questions 5.The plaintiff’s lawyer cross-examines the witness, trying to poke holes in the witness’s testimony