Part 1: Fishing For People Mark 1 v Steve Petch 10 th January 2016
Fishing For People To introduce the series To give some background to the book of Mark To send you home believing three things and with one thing to do My aims today:
Fishing For People “Follow me, and I will make you become fishers of men” (Mark 1v17) A Christian who is not actively engaged in the process of fishing for people has forgotten what Jesus called them to do!
Fishing For People The background to Mark: John Mark wrote down what Peter taught …... accurately, though not in order It was in circulation from the early days of the church It’s fast paced and full of action It’s a record of an eye witness account It’s Peter’s testimony of his life with Jesus It was, and still is, inspired by the Holy Spirit
Fishing For People To introduce the series To give some background to the book of Mark To send you home believing three things and with one thing to do My aims today:
Fishing For People “The beginning …... of the gospel …... of Jesus …... Christ …... the Son of God” (Mark 1v1)
Fishing For People Mark does not include a Christmas story … Why not? It’s Peter’s testimony – he wasn’t there
Fishing For People Peter’s Experience: John the Baptist appeared baptising people John said the messiah would come after him and would baptise people with the Holy Spirit Jesus arrives and is baptised in water The Holy Spirit descends on him visibly God the Father speaks audibly: “You are my beloved son” Jesus disappears off the scene again
Fishing For People “The kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel” (Mark 1v15) Jesus starts teaching:
Fishing For People “Follow me, and I will make you become fishers of men” (Mark 1v17) Jesus calls (Simon) Peter:
Fishing For People 1.Christians are still called to ‘fish for people’ 2.We can learn to do this by following Jesus more closely Our primary calling is to be followers of Jesus Three things to believe:
Fishing For People 1.Christians are still called to ‘fish for people’ 2.We can learn to do this by following Jesus more closely 3.Believe that Jesus can suddenly and powerfully impact people’s lives today Three things to believe:
Fishing For People Read Marks’ gospel One thing to do:
Part 1: Fishing For People Mark 1 v Steve Petch 10 th January 2016