Leichner Moral Formation Part 1 – Personal Morality Catechist Track October 28, 2015 Christian moral formation involves a journey of interior transformation… which brings about a deep personal conversion to Christ. (NDC p.163)
Leichner Overview Guidelines from NDC Primary Christian moral guides Affective dimension of moral living Conscience formation Stages of moral development “Love one another as I have loved you”
Leichner Human Experience 1. How did you learn to be a moral person? 2. What supports you personally in living a moral life?
Leichner Moral Formation Aim: Help bring about the personal transformation and conversion of the learners Tasks: Teach the content and implications of Christ’s moral teachings Encourage witness of Christian living
Leichner Message: Christian Moral Guides Ten Commandments: - Guide us in maintaining a loving relationship with God and others - Name our primary obligations to God and our neighbor - Assist us in using our freedom responsibly
Leichner Message: Christian Moral Guides Beatitudes - At the heart of Jesus’ teachings (CCC #1716) - Call us beyond the commandments - Point the way to everlasting happiness - Shed light on the actions and attitudes of Christian life. (NDC p. 182)
Leichner Message: Christian Moral Guides Some Practical Ideas for Beatitude Catechesis: Identify ways to practice “be-attitudes” Illustrate each beatitude or find pictures to fit Compare the beatitudes to the values of the culture. Re-write the beatitudes using other words Identify people in the parish who live the beatitudes Choose a beatitude to practice for a certain time Use the beatitudes for an examination of conscience
Leichner Message: Fostering Christian Attitudes and Virtues Attitudes -- pre-dispositions to think, feel and act in a certain way – Often caught from others – Acquired through experience, both direct and indirect Resource: empathy
Leichner Message: Virtues Theological Virtues Faith Hope Love Cardinal Virtues Prudence Justice Fortitude Temperance Virtues – habits of the mind and will that support living a moral life. Virtues are the result of God’s grace & practice. Given to us at Baptism
Leichner Message: Fostering Virtues Sharing stories of virtuous people Resource: Using activities such as: – Discussing or llustrating particular virtues – Practicing a particular virtue for a time Promoting regular prayer and reception of the sacraments Being a witness of a virtuous life
Leichner Message: Conscience Formation Conscience is a judgment of reason by which a person recognizes the moral quality of a concrete act. CCC #1796. Each person is obliged to form his or her conscience – a lifelong task NDC 165 Each person is obliged to follow the certain judgment of his or her conscience. CCC #1800 Catechists have “the moral responsibility to nourish the development of properly informed consciences in those entrusted to their care.” NDC 166
Leichner Message: Importance of Making Good Choices The choices we make – affect our relationship with God – have real consequences for ourselves, others and the world – shape who we are becoming – ultimately affect our eternal happiness
Leichner Message: Lawrence Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development Developed after more than 18 years of research Moral development refers to the reasons that people give for the choices that they make. Moral reasoning develops in three levels: Self-centered (Pre-conventional) Other-centered (Conventional) Principle-centered (Post-conventional)
Leichner Message: Method for Discussing Moral Dilemmas Clarify the action in question Identify the people and circumstances involved Identify the possible consequences Consider alternative actions Identify and reflect on the relevant teachings of Jesus and the Church
Leichner Message: More About Moral Dilemmas Some possibilities for discussion: – Dilemmas suggested by learners – Choices made by characters in Scripture, current movies, and TV shows – Lyrics of popular songs – Social networking situations – lemma_scenarios.doc
Leichner Summary Moral Formation… About the what and why of Christian living Involves the heart as well as the head About forming conscience and developing skills of making moral decisions A lifelong task – a continuous journey of conversion – walking with Christ, learning from him, going on mission with him
Leichner Relection - Discovery - Integration What aspect of moral formation in tonight’s presentation caught your attention and why? What value do you see in Kohlberg’s theory of moral reasoning for catechists? Commandments Virtues Moral Dilemmas Beatitudes Attitudes Conscience Formation Prayer and Sacraments Moral Development
Leichner Response What is one thing that you will do to help your students (or a group you are involved with) grow morally?
Leichner Watch your thoughts; they become your words. Watch your words; they become your actions Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny. - Moral Discernment by Richard Gula
Leichner Written Assignment for Catechists In a one-page paper answer the following two questions: What area of moral formation do you think is most needed by your learners or by a particular group of adults in your parish at this time? How would you address this need? Be as specific as possible and identify the group you have in mind. Due: Nov. 4
Leichner Alternative Assignment for students not currently involved in catechesis) Write a one-page reflection paper focusing on some aspect of moral formation that was discussed in class or taken from Ch. 6 of the NDC. Due: Nov. 4
Leichner Closing Prayer Father, guide us as you guide creation according to your law of love. May we love one another and come to perfection in the eternal life prepared for us. Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.