Graduate School Orientation for New TA’s August 13, 2012 Sonja Feist-Price, Ph.D. Academic Ombud
Today’s discussion Brief Overview of Academic Ombud Services Academic Integrity The Syllabus
What does the Academic Ombud Do? Works with all persons engaged in teaching & learning activities of the university Provides a safe, neutral, and confidential setting for questions, discussing problems & seek assistance w/ academic issues Explains university policies, procedures and its application Investigates student grievances and complaints Recommend changes in policies and procedures to better ensure fairness in teaching
Problems Handled by the Academic Ombud Office: Grade Disputes Admission/Registration Problems Disciplinary Matters Perceived Favoritism Fear of Retaliation Changes of & Sanctions from Academic Offenses Work collaboratively with the Dean of Student Services, Disability Resource Center, Office of Instructional Equity and Equal Opportunity
Academic Integrity Essential to the University and to society. Share your perspective with your students. Students commit academic offenses due to: Pressure “Because they can” Lack of knowledge
Procedures for Academic Offenses Discretely collect evidence. Consult with course director or dept. chair. Consult rules, Office of Academic Ombud. Meet with student and the dept. chair. Record the meeting for everyone’s benefit. Hear the student’s perspective. Notify the student of her/his right to appeal. Notify the student that the Ombud will assist. Determine nature of offense and penalty, if any. Notify student of the penalty imposed with copies to the Ombud.
Academic Rights of Students University Senate Rule Information about Course Content 6.1.2Contrary Opinion 6.1.3Academic Evaluation 6.1.4Academic Records Evaluation of Student Character and Ability 6.1.6Student Participation in Academic Affairs Attendance and Participation During Appeal Syllabus
Avoiding Academic Headaches Clarify expectations! The Syllabus may be your best tool Identify academic offenses & the penalty
The Course Syllabus University Senate Syllabus Guidelines found at:
University Senate Syllabi Guidelines Four (4) Core Areas General Course Information Instructor contact Information Course Description Course Policies
Syllabus as Contract Establishes expectations of students, instructor, department, college & university Is explicit and complete Avoids vague, ambiguous statements. Available at no charge Available at beginning of semester
Course Information Course ID (prefix, course number, section number Name Location(s) and meeting time(s) including common exams.
Instructor Information Name Contact Information (Office, Office phone, ) Instructors should be reasonably available for consultation outside of class. Office Hours, Locations Policies regarding appointments Alternate contact options (department phone number)
Course Descriptions Should match the UK Bulletin Provides “reasonably detailed overview” Identifies components of grade and their relative weight; clarifies expectations for assignments; relation of scores to letter grade Provides timeline, including due dates for major assignments Provides time, date and nature of final exam
Grading Policy Letter Grades How are these related to final grade? Curving Grades How is the curve established? Midterm evaluation What assignments are included? What percentage of the final grade is determined by midterm?
Dead Week Intent is to avoid undue hardship on students just before finals. No quizzes or major exams (except labs and make- ups). If there is a final, no major projects can be due. Attendance and Participation may be graded. Regularly assigned homework, identified in the syllabus may be assigned during dead week.
Course Policies Clarify policies and sanctions for violations Attendance, including late arrival or early departure Excused absence policy; refer to University policy and specific course policy. Requirements for make-ups (may not be punitive) Requirements for proof of excuse Rules of Behavior
Policies, Con’t Process for submitting assignments Format, deadlines (by date of, by class period, by time during class) Academic Integrity reminders Group work and collaboration guidelines Disability Resources
Syllabus Repair 101 Oops! The final is not really on Sunday. The whole class wants a delay in the due date. Grading algorithm unintentionally guarantees A’s to everyone. Student says “The syllabus didn’t say I had to do that.” You are not at war with the student. Your goal is to provide fair and just evaluation for all students. Remind them of their right to see the Ombud.
Questions: Visit us in 109 Bradley Hall