Intensification of Agro and Food Industry Waste Biodegradation Process Marina Tišma, Natalija Velić, Mario Panjičko, Bruno Zelić
Process Intensification Modeling, Simulation and Optimization Outlook Process Intensification Modeling, Simulation and Optimization Waste Preatretment Scale-up – Mobile Pilot Plant
Process Intensification – Modeling, Simulation, Optimization B. Zelić, Đ. Vasić-Rački, Kem. Ind., 54 (2005) 241-254
Process Intensification – Whey and Cow Manure Co-Digestion Process Optimization (A) mesophilic conditions without alkalinity addition; (B) thermophilic conditions without alkalinity addition; (C) mesophilic conditions with alkalinity addition; (D) thermophilic conditions with alkalinity addition A. Hublin, T. Ignjatić Zokić, B. Zelić, Biotechnol. Bioproc. Eng., 17 (2012) 1284-1293
Process Intensification – Whey and Cow Manure Co-Digestion Process Modeling Proposed reaction sheme 1. hydrolysis; 2. fermentation; 3. anaerobic oxidation; 4. acetogenesis; 5. acetoclastic methanogenesis; 6. hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis
Process Intensification – Whey and Cow Manure Co-Digestion Process Modeling Mass balances Kinetic model
Process Intensification – Whey and Cow Manure Co-Digestion Process Validation and Simulation A. Hublin, B. Zelić, Waste Manage. Res., 31 (2013) 353-360
Process Intensification – Waste Preatretement Degradation of lignin in sugar beet waste by white rot fungi Trametes versicolor and Phanerochaete chrysosporium cultivated in solid state culture
Process Intensification – Waste Preatretement Sugar beet waste degradation after 30 days of solid state fermentation P. chrysosporium - 19.62 % of loss of weight - 35 % lignin conversion T. versicolor C : N = 36.8 : 1 t = 0 day - 29.33 % of loss of weight - 55 % lignin conversion
Process Intensification Microreactor (10-5 dm3) Intensification of Heat and Mass Transport Reduced Size Large Surface to Volume Ratio (105 – 106 m2 m-3) Fast Screening of Materials, Catalyst and Processes Flexibility in Capacity and in Design Operating Robustness and Controllability Lower Cost of Transportation of Material and Energy Replacing Batch with Continuous Processes COSTS !!!!! Treatment of Waste Streams ????? Flask (10-1 dm3) Pilot scale bioreactor(103 dm3) Lab scale bioreactor (101 dm3)
Center for Environmental Techology, Brodarski institut d.d. Anaerobic Bioreactors Aerobic Bioreactor Lab scale Pilot scale Designed by:
Center for Environmental Techology, Brodarski institut d.d. Anaerobic Bioreactors Aerobic Bioreactor Lab scale Mobile Pilot Plant - remote process control over the Internet using remote-control computing software Designed by:
Two Solid State Reactors Mobile Pilot Plant Two Solid State Reactors - solid waste - a(na)erobic conditions - V = 200 dm3 Anaerobic Reactor - liquid waste - a(na)erobic treatment of wastewaters - stirring and pH regulation - V = 300 dm3 UASB Reactor - Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket Reactor - anaerobic treatment of sludge samples - V = 40 dm3
Biogas Production from Brewery Spent Grain Brewery Laško Capacity: 100,000,000 L of brew annually Project: treatment of brewery waste streams Wastewater – done Yeast – done Spent grain – development in progress Brewery spent grain: lignocellulosic material containing about 17 % cellulose, 28 % non-cellulosic polysaccharides, mostly arabinoxylans, and 28 % lignin 0.6-1.2 m3/kg dry organic matter → 120-130 m3 biogas/ton total usable biogas potential: biogas 1,600,000-2,000,000 m3 50-55 % renewable in total energy (up to 1.5 mio € annual savings)
Process Development - Biogas Production from Brewery Spent Grain Brewery wastewater Biogas HCl Anaerobic digestion Brewery spent grain Liquid phase Hydrolysis Wastewater Biogas Solid phase UASBR Solid residue less than 10 %