Regional, Sub-Regional and National Nutrition Cluster Coordination in LAC Grupo de Resiliencia Integrada de Nutrición (GRIN) 13-16 October 2015 – GNC Mtg.


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Presentation transcript:

Regional, Sub-Regional and National Nutrition Cluster Coordination in LAC Grupo de Resiliencia Integrada de Nutrición (GRIN) October 2015 – GNC Mtg Nairobi – Stefano Fedele

Nutrition in emergencies preparedness and response in capacity in LAC –Highest urbanization rate in the world (80%) –Second highest number of natural disasters after Asia –Number of natural disasters quadrupled since 1970 (16/year in 1970 to 63 in 2010) –In the same period floods related disasters have quadrupled, storm related have increased 5 folds and droughts 3.5 times. –70% of natural disasters related to floods and storms –Relatively fewer people die from natural hazards today than they did a decade ago.

Nutrition in emergencies preparedness and response in capacity in LAC - Key Challenges: –Undervalue of Nutrition specific action versus Food Security. –Heterogeneous definition of a Nutrition minimum preparedness and response capacity. –Low GAM prevalence but also very low SAM care and virtually no MAM capacity. –Low exclusive breastfeeding rates increases the risk when water and sanitation are inadequate. –Very limited capacity for SitAn, Nutrition Surveillance and monitoring of slow onset disasters progress. –Very limited NiE capacity in UNICEF COs.

GRIN – LAC: –Regional and 3 sub-regional NiE clusters –Direct participation of National focal points and partners –Upholding of UNICEF CCCs in all countries in LAC regardless of in country capacity. –Strengthen CMAM systems for early diagnosis, including seasonality and ongoing monitoring. –Mapping of in-country nutrition in emergency focal points and technical capacity –Definition and mapping of preparedness and response capacity. –Advocacy for alignment of development and humanitarian planning processes and more systematic multi-year financing for activities that strengthen resilience.

GRIN – LAC Matrix: Preparedness and response capacity. –The definition of a common language for what constitutes adequate NiE preparedness and response capacity –Better definition of gaps and more focused support. –Facilitate convergence of efforts to increase resilience. –UNICEF’s support of south-south and multi-country cross-border collaborations (supplies, technical capacity, cross border development etc.) –Consideration of sub-regional capacity in national Emergency Response Plans.

GRIN – LAC Matrix: Defining Preparedness and response capacity Coordination mechanism is not in place4 - No emergency Response plan or plan not including Nutrition. < 40% ≤ ≥ 15.0% ≥ 20 ≥ 30% ≥ 4% ≥ 71 ≥ 60% ≥ Coordination mechanism exist, but is not functional or not inclusive of all key stakeholders. 2 -Plan including Nutrition but no supplies prepositioned % %15.1%–19.9%20% -29%3%-3.9% %- 59% Coordination meeting are either happening irregurarly or the partners are not following up on agreed resolutions 3 - Plan including nutrition more than 2 years old and at less than 80% supplies prepositioned 56-69% % - 12%5.1% –15%6% - 19%2%-2.9% % - 49% Coordination mechanism having regurarly meeting and follow up on resolutions is in place 1- National Emergency Response Plan including nutrition, less than 2 years old; and at least 80% of planned nutrition supplies prepositioned. ≥ 70% ≥ ≤ 9.0≤ 5.0≤ 5%≤ 1.0%≤ 40≤ 40.0% ≤ W:20 GRIN - CAPACITY W:20 GRIN - VULNERABILITY W:100 W:2.5 W:5.W:2W:3W:1 W:5.W:1.5W:5. W:1.5W:5. SUB REGION InfoRM HAZARD AND EXPOSURE InfoRM LACK OF CAPACITY Functtioning National Nutrition coordination mechanism including nutrition in emergencies, Functioning Sub-National Nutrition coordination mechanism including nutrition in emergencies, National Emergency response plan, and supplies prepositioning. Coverage of minimum capacity for SAM/ MAM care Proportion of coverage for the care of severe acute malnutrition (SAM) Nursing staff / 1000 population SCORE InfoRM VULNERABILITY Low birth weight % Prevalence of Anaemia under 5 Propotion of stunting children U5 Prevalence of Global Acute Malnutrition (GAM) Adolescent fertility rate (births/1,000 women ages 15-19) Exclusive breastfeeding 0-6 months SCORE WEIGHTED SCORES OVERALL SCORING - GRIN RISK

GRIN LAC: Knowledge and Information Management –Building capacity of government and other partners –Development of knowledge and information management mechanisms Quarterly sub-regional webinars. GRIN’s web-page hosted by OCHA-REDHUM, main document repository, including capacity building material: GRIN”s Facebook page News, documents, videos and may be able to contribute with comments and start discussions.