Commissioning for Personalisation Phase 3 – “Ongoing Care” Reviews Your care your way
Commissioning for Personalisation Your care your way Planning for the future across all social care and related services –Looking at public, third and private sectors to deliver… Personalisation Prevention, health and wellbeing Value for money
Structure Your care your way Commissioning for Personalisation Board Projects and workstreams Working in phases Phase 1 – Community Support Phase 2a – Mental Heath Social Inclusion Phase 2b – Health and Wellbeing Phase 3– Social Care
Phase 3 – Ongoing Care Your care your way Strategic recommissioning of ongoing care adult social services, in 5 workstreams: Care at Home, including domiciliary care, personal assistants Community-based Care, including day opportunities, day care, leisure and culture Care and Housing, including supported housing with care, residential care etc Transport Respite care, including short breaks and holidays
Phase 3 – Outcomes Your care your way Deliver savings from service redesign and re- or de- commissioning A vibrant and diverse market place, open to new services starting Services meet the care-related needs of Hackney’s diverse community A smooth transition into Personalisation Systems and information available for the market to be able to operate and evolve
Phase 3 – Tasks Your care your way All the projects include common elements: - Analysis of the borough’s population and needs Analysis of the current supply of services, their impact and value for money Understanding what customers and carers think about services now and want for the future Learning from best practice Proposing a way forwards
Phase 3 – Day Services Your care your way LBH provided day/wellbeing centres for older people and people with learning disabilities Private and third sector spot purchased day centres for older people, people with learning or physical disabilities and people with acquired brain injury Culture, leisure and sport services used by people eligible for ongoing social care, provided by any sector. Day support provided by Personal Assistants Employment, support and craft projects for people using social care services
Phase 3 – Housing Your care your way Supported Housing with Care (LBH +) Supported Living Schemes (LBH +) Supported Living contracts / spot purchase Residential Care Adult Placements (part)
Phase 3 – Care at Home Your care your way High volume and high profile services Diverse local market: around 40 providers Diverse London market: around 500 providers Rough estimated spend in 2011/12: -£6.5m: private and third sector -£3.8m: direct payments -£2m: public sector
Phase 3 – Care at Home Your care your way Clear views from service users: Many content with services Many dissatisfied Issues of timeliness, consistency, respect w/ care workers Barriers to taking up Direct Payments Little choice and control in system at the moment Uneven experiences between client groups Weak connections to other services
Phase 3 – models Your care your way Open market + Approved List + Framework contracts + PA / micro support + No PA development Customer Council choice + Framework contracts + Block contracts + PA Register + No PA development Closed market
Phase 3 – Involvement Your care your way Much bigger market than has been looked at so far Seeking to use what we know already wherever possible Different approaches for different projects Small workshops being planned for Day Services Will use blog / Survey Monkey to gather views CEN reps on Reference Board Keep updated through SIGs and other groups
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