Root WordDefinitionSentencePictogram neuronerve QW: What makes you nervous ?
Root WordDefinitionSentencePictogram neuronerve Wayne’s neurologist determined that junk food was damaging Wayne’s neurons and causing slower reaction times and brain fog. QW: What makes you nervous ? neuro
Root WordDefinitionSentencePictogram orthostraight QW: What are your priorities for the next two weeks?
Root WordDefinitionSentencePictogram orthostraight Orthodontists work with teeth, which aren’t considered bone, while orthopedics work with muscle and bone. ORTHOORTHO QW: What are your priorities for the next two weeks?
Wise Water Use National – water conservation tips tips/ – 100 tips for conserving water\WaterSense – tips about using water wisely
OBJ 1: Thesis Statement Writing and Peer Review 1. Type thesis statement in StudySync 2. Peer review 3 other students' thesis statements in Study Sync 3. Copy and paste your thesis statement into a Word document & save in U drive. Provide feedback on how well their thesis statement… Clearly states the topic of the writing (the big idea – what the writing is about). Clearly expresses your belief about the topic. Clearly states the main reason/s why you believe this. Gets to the point. Features strong, precise words. Is fluently written, so the words and ideas flow smoothly. May stretch over two sentences, possibly three (if they are short)
OBJ 2: Editorial Writing with valid sources 1.Type your editorial in the saved Word document 2. Cite all of your sources in the editorial using MLA format and quotation marks around the sources' words. 3. Check spelling, mechanics, and grammatical elements and save again in your U drive. 4. Upload the paper to and TITLE it "Your Name_Editorial“ 5. Complete Peer Reviews of 3 other students' editorials. Use the editorial rubric to give each person specific feedback.
Root WordDefinitionSentencePictogram osis An action or condition QW: Would you tell someone if they suffered from halitosis (bad breath)? Would you want to be told?
Root WordDefinitionSentencePictogram osis An action or condition He discovered that hypnosis is an ineffective treatment for halitosis, especially compared to flossing and brushing. QW: Would you tell someone if they suffered from halitosis (bad breath)? Would you want to be told? osis
Works Cited "Blueprint Lays Out Clear Path for Climate Action." Environmental Defense Fund. Environmental Defense Fund, 8 May Web. 24 May Author. “Title of the article or website.” Name of publication (may be a website). The website address, Date they published it on the website (if available). Date you saw it on the site. Ebert, Roger. "An Inconvenient Truth." Rev. of An Inconvenient Truth, dir. Davis Guggenheim. Sun-Times News Group, 2 June Web. 24 May Cooler Heads Coalition, Web. 24 May Gowdy, John. "Avoiding Self-organized Extinction: Toward a Co- evolutionary Economics of Sustainability." International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology 14.1 (2007): Print.
Dissecting an Argument LISTEN FOR and write down Thesis (author’s belief) [next year you’ll hear “claim”] Reasons + valid evidence to back up Counterargument + valid evidence Call to Action (what she wants)
Pictograms only! Draw the letters of the root word to show the meaning.
Root WordDefinitionSentencePictogram phagy To eat, consume QW: What are you favorite foods to consume?
Root WordDefinitionSentencePictogram phagy To eat, consume If a phagocyte is a cell that consumes waste and foreign bodies in the blood, how is it similar to an esophagus? QW: What are you favorite foods to consume? l hagy
OBJ 1: Write a thesis statement for your editorial that... Clearly states the topic of the writing (the big idea – what the writing is about). Clearly expresses your belief about the topic. Clearly states the main reason/s why you believe this. Gets to the point. Features strong, precise words. Is fluently written, so the words and ideas flow smoothly. May stretch over two sentences, possibly three (if they are short) OBJ 2: use valid, relevant resources you found in your research to write an editorial about your chosen topic. Cite all of your sources and address the counterargument using valid, relevant sources.
Root WordDefinitionSentencePictogram Phot, phos light QW: What’s your favorite kind of light? Bright sunlight, the dim sunlight of dusk, morning glow, hazy moonlight…
Root WordDefinitionSentencePictogram Phot, phos light A photograph of a phosphorescent mineral, like adamite, doesn’t do it justice. QW: What’s your favorite kind of light? Bright sunlight, the dim sunlight of dusk, morning glow, hazy moonlight…
Root WordDefinitionSentencePictogram Polymany QW: What does the world need many of?
Root WordDefinitionSentencePictogram Polymany If ‘hedron’ means a flat face, and ‘gon’ means angle, is this object a polyhedron, polygon, or both? polypolypolypolypolypo ly QW: What does the world need many of?
Root WordDefinitionSentencePictogram Soludissolve QW: What would you dissolve on or within yourself ?
Root WordDefinitionSentencePictogram Soludissolve Water may be the ‘universal solvent,’ but it didn’t resolve the problem when a chemical started dissolving the paint on our car. QW: What would you dissolve on or within yourself ?
Root WordDefinitionSentencePictogram Tomcut QW: What would you like to cut out of your life?
Root WordDefinitionSentencePictogram Tomcut The word ‘anatomy’ actually means cutting up the specimen, to study it. But ‘atom’ means ‘can’t be cut.’ QW: What would you like to cut out of your life? tom
Root WordDefinitionSentencePictogram Tox, toxic poison QW: What’s the most toxic thing in the world?
Root WordDefinitionSentencePictogram Tox, toxic poison Toxicology reports often don’t mention substances that become toxic when mixed with other substances. QW: What’s the most toxic thing in the world?
Root WordDefinitionSentencePictogram vaporsteam QW: What would you infuse into the steam in your shower? [infuse means to inject or pour into something]
Root WordDefinitionSentencePictogram vaporsteam The vaporizer helped her breathe due to the added moisture, and the water evaporated quickly in the dry air. QW: What would you infuse into the steam in your shower? [infuse means to inject or pour into something] va po r
Root WordDefinitionSentencePictogram QW: ?