Daphne Middle School Continuous Improvement Plan
CIP Committee Principal, Tripp Oliphant Assistant Principal, Jeanne Fox Assistant Principal, Ken Mummah Teachers: John Kinard, Regina Boone, Phyllis Law, Karen Pearson, Nancy Woodham, Robert Murphy, Renee Thomas, Karen Lambuth Debbie Miles, Bookkeeper Counselors, Toni Gray & Teresa Hunter Library/Media Specialist, Bernadette Winn DMS Technology Coordinator, Aldo Edwards DMS parent, Kim Williams
Responsibilities of CIP Committee Monitor student progress Plan for improvement Study the craft of successful teaching Review comprehensive needs assessment yearly Share agenda topics with constituency groups to keep all staff informed
Needs Assessment Analysis Stanford Achievement Test Alabama Math and Reading Test Alabama Direct Assessment of Writing STAR Reading Assessment Academic progress of student
Strengths of DMS Students 91.5% of DHS students scored Level III or Level IV on the math component of the Alabama High School Graduation Exam (AHSGE) 84% of DMS 7 th graders scored Level III or Level IV on the Alabama Direct Assessment of Writing (ADAW) 97% of DMS 8 th grade students scored proficient on computer literacy skills
Action Steps for Math Improvement Small group instruction to focus on concepts and open-ended responses Use assessment data from ARMT and teacher made common assessments to establish group dynamics Practice weekly open-ended responses Implement Trojan Times classes for academic assistance Conduct quarterly departmental meetings to review benchmark and Common Assessments
Action Steps for Reading Improvement Practice open-ended responses weekly Implement Trojan Times academic assistance classes Conduct quarterly departmental meetings to review benchmark and common assessments Implement “Plugged In” for grades 6-8
Action Steps for Writing Improvement Utilization of Four Square Writing Strategy Utilization of Graphic Organizers ARMT-like passages to be used monthly (at a minimum) Departmental reviews of writing scores
Safety Strategies Mr. Ken Mummah, Assistant Principal, developed the safety manual for DMS that incorporates all SDE required components for emergency situations that occur on the school site. This manual is NICS compatible with the Office of Homeland Security. All faculty members and support staff have a copy of this manual to reference procedures. A copy of the DMS Safety Manual is available for review in the main office.
Extended Learning Opportunities Extended Day Care Before and after school tutoring Trojan Times academic assistance class SEEDS (Supporting Educational Enrichment in Daphne Schools)
Parent Involvement School patrons meet with principal PTSA meetings Parent SACS review committee member Parent CIP Committee member Conferences with teachers, administrators or counselors
Professional Learning Needs Writing Rubric Study Four Square Writing Plugged In AMSTI Connecting Math