“R easons to to B elieve B elieve in in Jesus ” Jesus ” John 6: 35-40
Many followed Jesus because of the miracles He did in the lives of people.
If you stopped believing in Jesus, where would you turn to? 1.Atheism 2.Philosophy 3.False Religions 4.Materialism
A.There are Historical reasons to believe in Jesus Jesus is a fact of history Jesus is a fact of history Romans 1.4 Romans 1.4 Acts 1.3 Acts 1.3
B.There are Scriptural reasons to believe in Jesus John How do we know the Bible is true? How do we know the Bible is true? John 6.63 “…the words John 6.63 “…the words that I (Jesus) speak are that I (Jesus) speak are spirit and life” spirit and life” Jesus is the central theme of the Bible Jesus is the central theme of the Bible
C.There are Spiritual reasons to believe in Jesus When you are sincere to seek the truth, the Holy Spirit will be a witness When you are sincere to seek the truth, the Holy Spirit will be a witness 1 John John Psalms 34.8 “taste and Psalms 34.8 “taste and see that the Lord is see that the Lord is good…” good…”
D.There are Personal reasons to believe in Jesus When Christ is real to you, no one can argue you out of believing in Him When Christ is real to you, no one can argue you out of believing in Him Peter said, “ we believe Peter said, “ we believe and know that You are and know that You are the Christ…” (John 6.68) the Christ…” (John 6.68)