U NIT T EST 3 Mitwoch
SEIN Conjugation of the verb “sein” in present tense in past tense Page 17 Exercise 4
P ERSONAL P RONOUNS A ND P OSSESSIVE P RONOUNS Personal Pronouns (page 16) Tina ist Studentin. _________ studiert an Acadia. his mother seine Mutter
I NTERROGATIVES List page 14 Exercise page 15 number 2 You have to be able to answer and ask all the questions that we have dealt with so far in class. Monday: Wo liegt Kanada? Kanada liegt westlich von Deutschland.
V OKABELN Alle nouns, gender + plural Countries, nationalities on page 9 List page 3 of sheet: Kein & Der Words
D ER AND KEIN WORDS See handout last page.