Little By Little Little by little, every day, Little by little, in every way, Jesus is changing me, ... He's changing me. Since I made that turn-about face I've been growing in His grace: Jesus is changing me. ... He's changing me, My precious Saviour. I'm not the same Person that I used to be. Well it's been slow growing, But there's a knowing That some day perfect I will be.
Peter and John Peter and John went to Pray. They met a lame man on the way. He asked for money, They did not have any, But this is what Peter did say: Silver and Gold, I have none. But such as I have I give thee, In the name Jesus Christ Of Nazareth, Rise up and Walk!!
And he went... Walking and Leaping and Praising God. In the name of Jesus Christ Of Nazareth, Rise up and Walk (Hey, Hey).
History Letters from Paul Other Letters Prophesy Gospels Matthew Mark Luke John Romans First Corinthians Second Corinthians Galatians Ephisians Philippians Colossians First Thesselonians Second Thesselonians First Timothy Second Timothy Titus Philemon Acts Other Letters Hebrews James 1, 2 Peter 1, 2, 3 John Jude Prophesy Revelation 5