WHY TEACH FOUNDATIONAL SKILLS? K-12 Comprehensive Reading Plan p.40 Part of Read to Achieve Legislation Part of Common Core RL4.4,RI 4.4, RF.4.3, RL.5.4, RI.5.4,RF.5.3, RL.6.4, RI.6.4, L.6.2, L.6.4 and more Leads to Higher ACT/SAT scores for college ready students
K … …8+ Phonological awareness Alphabet Sounds Anglo- Saxon consonants and vowels Compound Words Prefixes and Suffixes Syllable and syllable division patterns Latin roots Review of all previous material Greek Combining Forms The Continuum of Integrated Decoding and Spelling Instruction From Marcia Henry’s “Unlocking Literacy”
4 TH GRADE SLUMP Students encounter longer multisyllabic words Content area reading becomes more important with added emphasis on science and social studies More reading is done independently allowing kids to hide their unknowns
MANY NEED DIRECT AND SYSTEMATIC INSTRUCTION English language learners Students with limited access to print in formative years birth-age 5 Students with poorly developed phonemic awareness skills Students with under taught developed phonics skills
HOW SOME MANAGE WITHOUT DIRECT INSTRUCTION Students with strong vocabularies and those with many hours of reading in the early years rely on their strong vocabularies to use context to carry them through reading challenging words May still struggle with spelling when writing independently With adequate IQ and increasing opportunities to write many students can make the jump on their own crafting their own syllabication and spelling rules
OPEN WORD SORT Using the words in the envelope work as a team to separate and group the words into 6 categories. Write your headings on sticky notes.
SIX SYLLABLE TYPES A clear set of patterns making is easier for students to make relationships between reading and writing that applies to upwards of 80% of words used in English
MULTISENSORY INSTRUCTION IS KEY ! Fold a white paper in half vertically then into thirds Then in half Open it up Cut one side to the middle to make 6 flaps
ADD THE HEADINGS 1.C 2.L 3.O 4.V 5.E 6.R
C Closed, end in a consonant like /rab/ in rabbit Break between the double consonants
L L- Consonant le, usually at the the end of a word and is preceded by a consonant is if the final stable syllable like table Go to the end of the word, count back 3, break the syllable
O O- Open, this syllable ends in a vowel like /ti/ ger Break after the first vowel
V V- vowel teams these are digraph vowels like ai, ay, ea, ee, ow, oo, oi, oy, ou, ie, ei
E E- final e, the final e vowel spellings like a_e, e_e, i_e, o_e, u_e
R R controlled, when a vowel is followed by r, the letter r affects the vowel sound the vowel and the r must appear in the same syllable
MULTISYLLABIC WORD IDENTIFICATION Using Syllable Patterns S - see the syllable patterns P – place a line between the syllables L – look at each syllable I – identify the syllable sounds T – try to say the word (adapted from Durkin, 1993) Using Structural Analysis H – highlight the prefix and/or suffix parts I – identify the sounds in the base word N – name the base word T – tie the parts together S – say the word (adapted from Archer, Gleason & Vaughn, 2000)
CLOSED WORD SORT Try the same activity again but this time use the category headings.
AT ZEB VANCE Fourth and Fifth grade teachers will teach the six syllable strategies and associated prefixes Data will be collected through DIBELS next looking specifically at the accuracy scores of the DORF Research indicates that 60 hours of direct phonics instruction can drastically change a students’ performance, let’s hope we have that affect in minutes, three days or more each week
FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT CHOICES FOR 5 TH -8TH DIBELS (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills)- DORF (Oral Reading Fluency) CBM (Curriculum Based Measure, EOG, Lexile score Words Their Way Spelling Assessment ( /resources/