March, PROOF - Parallel ROOT Facility Maarten Ballintijn Bring the KB to the PB not the PB to the KB
March, PROOF Intro Collaboration between core ROOT group at CERN and MIT Heavy Ion Group Rene Brun Fons Rademakers Gunther Roland Maarten Ballintijn Part of and based on ROOT framework ROOT since 1995, PROOF started 2001 A wealth of info at In ROOT CVS tree, beta tests ongoing
March, PROOF Intro Collection of servers processes data Parallel I/O and Parallel CPU CPU Allocation and Data Access Strategies Dynamic resource allocation Local data first, also rootd, SAN/NAS Transparency Single source Analysis code Input Objects copied from Client Output Objects merged, returned to Client Scalability and Adaptability Dynamic packet size
March, Internet PROOF Intro Client Session Slave Master ROOT many slaves
March, Phobos Event and AnT Tree Event Hit Track Vertex 0..n 1..n Paddle 1 TPhAnTEventInfo TClonesArray TPhAnTVertex TClonesArray TPhAnTTrack TClonesArray TPhAnTHit TTree:
March, PROOF Packages Provide a collection of files in the sandbox Binary or Source packages PAR files: Proof ARchive. Like Java jar Tar file, ROOT-INF directory SETUP.C, per slave setting API manage and activate packages
March, AnT Package ant: PROOF-INF/ Makefile LinkDef.h TPhAnTEventInfo.cxx TPhAnTEventInfo.h TPhAnTHit.cxx TPhAnTHit.h ant/PROOF-INF: SETUP.C TPhAnTPdlInfo.cxx TPhAnTPdlInfo.h TPhAnTTrack.cxx TPhAnTTrack.h TPhAnTVertex.cxx TPhAnTVertex.h #!/bin/sh # -- Build exec make // SETUP.C -- Load AnT library { gSystem->Load(""); gSystem->Load(""); }
March, Analysis using TSelector Extend Framework by inheritance // Abbreviated version class TSelector : public TObject { Protected: TList *fInput; TList *fOutput; public void Init( TTree* ); void Begin( Ttree* ); Bool_t Process(int entry); void Terminate(); };
March, Analysis using TSelector Create Class inheriting from Tselector Implement member functions Begin() – Called once at the beginning of an analysis job, in each of the slave servers. Used to e.g. create histograms, initialize data Process()- Called for each entry to be processed (by that slave) Terminate()- Called once at the end of an analysis job, in each of the slave servers. Used to e.g. for post processing data, cleanup Init() – Called for each new file
March, Example Selector antsel.C Antsel::Begin(Ttree *) { fVtx_x = new TH1F(“vtxx”,“Vertex X”,100,-10.,10.); } Antsel::Process(int entry) { fChain->GetTree()->GetEntry(entry); if ( evtInfo->fPdlInfo->fPdlMean < 1500 ) return; TPhAnTVertex *v = evtInfo->fRMSSelvtx->GetObject(); fVtx_x->Fill( v->fPos.X() ); } Antsel::Terminate() { fOutput->Add(fVtx_x); }
March, Running locally Develop and debug selector locally on small event sample. % root Root[0] TFile *f = Tfile::Open(“ant_sample.root”) Root[1] TTree *t = (Ttree*) f->Get(“trkTree”) Root[3] t->Process(“antsel.C”,””,2000) Real time 0:00:06, CP time Root[4] vtxx->Draw() Root[5].! vi antsel.C About 8Mb data (~x5 compression) Develop until ready for large sample.
March, Running Locally Ready to run on a large sample
March, TDSet – Specify the data Specify a collection of TTrees or TFiles with objects [] TDSet *d = new TDSet(“TTree”, “tracks”, “/”); [] TDSet *d = new TDSet(“TEvent”, “”, “/objs”); [] d->Add(“root://rcrs4001/a.root”, “tracks”, “dir”, first, num); … [] d->Print(“a”); To be returned by DB or File Catalog query etc. Use logical filenames (“lfn:…”)
March, Running with PROOF Ready to run on large event sample % root Root[0] gROOT->Proof(“”) … login details … Root[1] TDSet *ds = make_dset() Root[2] gProof->UploadPackage(“ant.par”) Root[3] gProof->EnablePackage(“ant”) … Root[4] gProof->Process(“antsel.C”,””,60000) Real time 0:00:12, CP Time Root[5] ((TH1F*)gProof->GetOutput(“vtxx”))->Draw() Use same session to look at other histograms, change cuts etc.
March, The PROOF advantage Processed 240 Mb in 12 sec.
March, PROOF Scalability 32 nodes: dual Itanium II 1 GHz CPU’s, 2 GB RAM, 2x75 GB 15K SCSI disk, 1 Fast Eth, 1 GB Eth nic (not used) Each node has one copy of the data set (4 files, total of 277 MB), 32 nodes: 8.8 Gbyte in 128 files, 9 million events 8.8GB, 128 files 1 node: 5:25 m 32 nodes in parallel: 12 s
March, Future Work Ongoing development Improvements and defect fixes Event lists Friend Tree Multi site PROOF sessions Continued development of GRID based PROOF cluster
March, Other PROOF Talks Fons Rademakers: Distributed Parallel Analysis Framework with PROOF (15:00, session 2) Jinghua Liu : Analysis of CMS Heavy Ion Simulation Data Using ROOT/PROOF/Grid