I AM series “I am the Alpha and Omega” α Ω Revelation 1:8 and 22:12-16 facilitator: Ed van Ouwerkerk ἰ χθύς = fish
Evening one we studied the passage where Jesus claims: “I am the of... “ life John 6:25-59 Evening two we studied the passage where Jesus claims: “I am the.... of the..... “ world John 8:12-30 bread light We find this passage in Evening three we studied the passage where Jesus claims: “I am the.... John 8:48-59 We find this passage in Evening four we studied the passage where Jesus claims: “I am the John 10:1-18 I AM Good Shepherd Evening five we studied the passage where Jesus claims: “I am the and the.... John 11:17-45 resurrection life We find this passage in Evening six we studied the passage where Jesus claims: “I am the.... the..... and the way truth life John 14:1-14
We find this passage in Evening seven we studied the passage where Jesus claims: “I am the True Vine John 15:1-8 We find this passage in Evening eight we studied the passage where Jesus claims: “I am , I am.... (giving) Living Water John 4:4-42 He We find this passage in Today, the last evening in this series, we will study that Jesus claims: “I am the and.... Alpha Revelation 1:8; 22:12-16 Omega Book: Revelation Author: John Date: A.D. 95 Genre: Apocalypse Summary: In this book, we learn of Jesus Christ's return to the earth,Revelation as well as the events preceding that climactic/apocalyptic moment.
In Revelation, Jesus makes an astonishing claim about the biggest endeavor of all time, the entire human story. Jesus says that he was present when it all began and that he will be there when human history comes to a conclusion. He is the first letter of the human saga – the Alpha – and he will be the final letter of the final chapter – the Omega.
Revelation 1:8 “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.” 主神说: “ 我是阿拉法,我是俄梅格;我是今在、昔在、 以后要来,全能的神。 ” Question: Who is identified as the speaker in this verse?
Revelation 22: “Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done. 13 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. 14 “Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city. 15 Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood. 16 “I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star.”
启示录 “ 看哪,我必快来!赏赐在我,我要照着各人所行 的报应他。 13 我是阿拉法,是俄梅格;我是首先的, 也是末后的;我是创始的,也是成终的。 ” 14 那些洗净 自己袍子的人是有福的!他们可以有权到生命树那里, 也可以从门进到城里。 15 在城外,有那些狗,那些行 邪术的、淫乱的、杀人的、拜偶像的,以及所有喜爱 说谎的和实行说谎的人。 16 “ 差遣了我的使者、 为众教会向你们证明这些事的,就是我耶稣。 我是大卫的根,又是他的后裔,我是明亮的晨星。 ” Question: Who speaks here? So, God speaks and Jesus speaks. Question: What conclusion do you draw from that comparison?
Let’s now slit into small groups to discuss questions. After that come back to draw conclusions.
1.Let’s focus on Rev. 22:12. “Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done”. a)What could soon mean? Look at 2 Peter 3:9 for an answer b)What reward is Jesus promising? It could be judgement. See Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 16:27 and Romans 2:6. c)So, has what you do effect on the reward, including salvation? If not, then the reward talks about judgement for the saved alone. Right? 2.Now try to understand Rev. 22:13. “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End”. a)Jesus’ claim is about the beginning and the end. What about Jesus’ role in between? b)What does He say about that in Matthew 28:20?
3.What views have you heard about how human history will end? a)What is your thought knowing that Jesus will be one who brings the human story to the conclusion He desires? 4.Read verse 14 again. Who are the people who are granted access to the tree of life and the city? a)Remember what the tree of life is? b)Which city is meant? Find details in Revelation 21:1-7 c)Is that city attractive to you? 5.Read verse 15 again. What does Jesus’ description of those who are excluded from the city tell you about their spiritual condition and relationship with God?
6.Focus on the first part of verse 16 “I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches.” a)Remember what a testimony is? b)Who sent an angel to whom to do what? Look at Revelation 1:1-2 c)Who is “you” and who are “the churches” 7.Look at the second part of verse 16 “I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star.” a)How can someone be the “root” and the “offspring” of somebody at the same time? Look at prophecy in Isaiah 11:1 and 10. There it’s spoken about the Root of Jesse, who is the father of king David. See also the genealogy of Jesus in Matthew chapter 1. b)Mornings stars refer to angels. The bright Morning Star refers to Jesus, the non-created angel, the Light of the World, unlike the created fallen angel Satan (Isaiah 14:12), who isn’t bright at all.
As we are at the end of the “I AM claims of Jesus” series recall the nine claims for yourself. Take a minute for that. Which claim has blessed or encouraged you most? Explain why?