Simbol–X workshopMay 14th, 2007 The Simbol-X Detector Payload P. Laurent CEA/Saclay & APC.


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Presentation transcript:

Simbol–X workshopMay 14th, 2007 The Simbol-X Detector Payload P. Laurent CEA/Saclay & APC

Simbol–X workshopMay 14th, 2007 Collimator : ~ 2 m long graded shield. Full out of FOV sky closed with associated sky-shield on mirror S/C. The detector payload Focal plane assembly Warm electronics

Simbol–X workshopMay 14th, 2007 Focal plane assembly

Simbol–X workshopMay 14th, 2007 The focal plane assembly Spectro-imaging system keV, fast reading Full size : 8x8 cm2, 128x128 pixels of 625  m Operation at ~ -40°C Low energy detector (450  m Silicon) High energy detector (2 mm Cd(Zn)Te) Active and passive shielding

Simbol–X workshopMay 14th, 2007 Low energy detector (MPE/IAAT) Macro Pixel Detector with integrated DEPFET Low power consumption Internal amplification Active Pixel Sensor type 100 % filling factor Adjustable pixel size (50  m to 1 mm) Fast, parallel readout possible 625 μm² ~ 130 eV -20°C See Peter Lechner presentation !

Simbol–X workshopMay 14th, 2007 High Energy Detector Basic Brick (CEA/Saclay) Electronics : 32 channel front end chip (IdeF-X) under development and tests Hybridization : on going qualification of process, 64 pixels “caliste” modules realized Detectors : 2 mm thick pixellated CdTe or CdZnTe crystals, under tests and promising -18° / 400V / CdTe Schottky 1.0 keV FWHM 1 mm / 64 pixels

Simbol–X workshopMay 14th, 2007 Test benches ready for systematic current and spectroscopy measurements of different types of CdTe and Cd(Zn)Te HED Detectors Tests (CEA/Saclay)

Simbol–X workshopMay 14th, 2007 IDeF-X V2 under test –Received on 1 st of February 07 –Step 1 : Basic behavior Slow control ok, –Trigger, parameter tuning, –data acquisition Acquisition and modes ok Prototype software ok Test channel ok –Step 2 : Performances On going Full Multi-channel started –Ready for SEL and SEU tests HED Front End Tests (CEA/Saclay)

Simbol–X workshopMay 14th, 2007 CEA/DAPNIA – CNES – 3D plus First performance evaluation of HED Calistes w/o CdTe First testsActual results Gain Noise performances High uniformity of the matrix in gain and noise

Simbol–X workshopMay 14th, 2007 The high energy focal plane building One module 256 pixels ~ 1x1 cm 2 One sector 8 modules 2048 pixels The focal plane 8 sectors pixels

Simbol–X workshopMay 14th, 2007 Background reduction in Simbol-X Photons background outside the FOV: passive shielding around the detectors + collimator + sky shield Particles induced background: plastic scintillators around the detectors

Simbol–X workshopMay 14th, 2007 Passive shielding Plastic scintillator LED HED Thermal Isolation PM WLS optical fibers Simbol-X focal plane shielding

Simbol–X workshopMay 14th, 2007 The focal plane passive shielding  graded shield Tantalum 3 mm Aluminum 0, 27 mm Carbon 0,1 mm Tin 2,2 mm Copper 0,48 mm material 1material 2material 3 photon X/ γ X-ray fluorescence E 1 X-ray fluorescence E 2 X-ray fluorescence E 3 Photon energy below the LED low threshold E 3 < E 2 < E 1 Composition and thickness of the shields layers have been optimized to suppress all sky radiation and the resulting fluorescence …

Simbol–X workshopMay 14th, 2007 Plastic scintillator WLS fibers main PM 1 main PM 2 redundant PM 1 redundant PM 2 The focal plane anticoïncidence: Plastic read by fibers and 16 channels PM Multianod PM 16 ch.

Simbol–X workshopMay 14th, 2007 The focal plane assembly  Base Plate Lower AC LED et HED Upper AC Support

Simbol–X workshopMay 14th, 2007 Inside the protective enclosure … Calibration wheel FPA Protective enclosure

Simbol–X workshopMay 14th, 2007 The collimator

Simbol–X workshopMay 14th, 2007 Collimator geometry vs satellite movement

Simbol–X workshopMay 14th, 2007 Collimator geometry vs satellite movement

Simbol–X workshopMay 14th, 2007 Collimator geometry vs satellite movement

Simbol–X workshopMay 14th, m 20 -The Honeycomb Structure has been validated by the CNES. -3 options have been studied with differents parameters for the honeycomb -Actually we have a solution fitting with the mass budget and with a first resonnant mode above 100Hz 1m 28 Total Mass : 23 kg Graded Shield: 6 kg Structure: 17 kg The collimator

Simbol–X workshopMay 14th, 2007 Warm electronics

Simbol–X workshopMay 14th, 2007 FPA electronics scheme

Simbol–X workshopMay 14th, 2007 DPDPA1 DPDPA2 HEDE LEDE ACDE Green: Power Supply Orange: FPA Link Blue: Data Link Pink: TM/TC Link Goals : -Minimize the length of the cables -Thermal insulated from Stable Platform FPA warm electronics boxes

Simbol–X workshopMay 14th, 2007 Thank you !

Simbol–X workshopMay 14th, 2007 LEDA HEDA Platform ACDA PE -60°C 4K T IF = -45 T IF = -48,3 T= -57 T= +20 h=1 W.K -1 h=3 W.K -1 T= 1,8 T= 19 FPA thermal budget

Simbol–X workshopMay 14th, 2007 FPA mass budget Mass /kgMarge / % Marged Mass / kg FPA Protective Enclosure1115%12,65 Mechanical IF1,220%1,44 HEDA FP0,8620%1,03 HEDA/LEDA Mechanical IF0,320%0,36 LEDA FP0,8120%0,97 LEDA+HEDA Mechanical Structure 0,520%0,60 Anticoïncidence + Support2620%31,20 Calibration Wheel2,520%3,00 Connectors115%1,15 Miscellaneous130%1,30 Total FPA45,17 53,70 Total Collimator23,00 26,80 Total Warm electronics32,7038,33 Total100,87 118,83