11 December 2006DOE Review at ANL1 Tracking Chambers for FNAL E906 Edward R. Kinney University of Colorado, Boulder, USA Overview of Tracking Plan Station 1 (MWPC) Station 2 and 3 (DC) Station 4 (Streamer Tubes) Funding/Construction Timeline E866 Spectrometer Tracking Chambers for FNAL E906
11 December 2006DOE Review at ANL2 E906 Bend Plane View E906 Spectrometer Layout: Bend Plane View
11 December 2006DOE Review at ANL3 E906 Non-bend View E906 Spectrometer Layout: Non-Bend Plane View
11 December 2006DOE Review at ANL4 Station 1: New MWPCs Located just after M1 Magnet+Beam Dump+Hadron Absorber High rates (up to 100 MHz) Used for tracking back to target to eliminate tracks from dump/abs Combined with Station 2 space points gives momentum determination 6 planes (Y,Y’,U,U’,V,V’) of MWPC just after Station 1 Hodoscope 94 cm x 137 cm size, 2 mm wire spacing, stereo angle of 14 CF 4 /Isobutane (80:20) gas 3 RF bucket time resolution Readout using existing E871 preamp/disc/readout electronics 5500 channels needed, available from E871 Data out into (existing) coincidence registers
11 December 2006DOE Review at ANL5 Station 2&3: Drift Chambers Stations 2 & 3: Drift Chambers Station 2 located just after SM3 Magnet Provides bend angle for momentum determination Moderate Rates (up to 25 MHz) Station 3 located just before start of Muon id absorber Provides tracking information for pattern recognition and muon id Low Rates (up to 5 MHz) 6 planes (Y,Y’,U,U’,V,V’) each for Station 2 & 3 DCs Station 2: 138 cm x 150 cm size, 10.2 mm wire spacing, stereo angle of 14 Station 3: 203 cm x 162 cm size, 20.3 mm wire spacing, stereo angle of 14 Argon/Ethane (50:50) gas 250 micron resolution Chambers from E605/E772/E866 used Use existing preamp/disc/readout electronics (+ some new crates) channels of multihit TDCs (LRS 3377 from the PREP pool)
11 December 2006DOE Review at ANL6 Station 4: New Streamer Tubes Station 4: Streamer Tubes 4 planes located just before first Muon ID absorber, 4 planes located at rear of all Muon ID absorber Low rates (up to 10 MHz) Combined with Station 3 space points and absorber gives Muon ID 2 x 4 planes (Y,Y’, X, X’) hit information from streamer tubes 250 cm x 250 cm size, 50.8 mm wire spacing Use existing E866 streamer tubes with Ar/Ethane (50:50) gas Run in proportional mode Readout identical to MWPCs 400 channels needed, existing E866 preamp/discriminators used Data out into coincidence registers
11 December 2006DOE Review at ANL7 Cost Breakdown I Cost Breakdown/Timeline I Station 1: MWPC Base cost of new design, materials, part machining, assembly $140,000 With 18% contingency, 0% overhead (capitalized)= $170,000 Funding in FY2008 (likely “borrow” to allow design to start FY2007) University of Colorado Nuclear Physics Group (ERK) FNAL Wire winding facilities assumed + Colorado HEP tech (Erdos) Existing chambers from other experiments being investigated Station 2 & 3: Drift Chambers Existing E866 DCs refurbished by Rutgers University (R. Gilman) With contingency, nominal cost of $4,000 per drift chamber Funding in FY2009, Start Dec 2008 Station 4: Streamer Tubes Existing E866 tubes refurbished by LANL/Rutgers University With contingency, nominal cost of $7,000 Funding in FY2009, Start Dec 2008
11 December 2006DOE Review at ANL8 Cost Breakdown II Cost Breakdown/Timeline II Station 1 Gas System: CF 4 /Isobutane (80:20) Use Hermes RICH recirculating gas system (property of ANL) FNAL will plumb/integrate with flammable gas safety system Cost $3,000 in FY2009, Start Feb 2009 Station 2, 3 & 4: Argon/Ethane (50:50) FNAL standard system FNAL will plumb/integrate with flammable gas safety system Cost $13,000 in FY2009, Start Nov 2008 All installations planned to be completed by June 2009