Paper presentation topics 2. More on feature detection and descriptors 3. Shape and Matching 4. Indexing and Retrieval 5. More on 3D reconstruction 1. Segmentation
Depth from disparity f xx’x’ baseline z CC’C’ X f input image (1 of 2) [Szeliski & Kang ‘95] depth map 3D rendering
Real-time stereo Used for robot navigation (and other tasks) Several software-based real-time stereo techniques have been developed (most based on simple discrete search) Nomad robot Nomad robot searches for meteorites in Antartica
Camera calibration errors Poor image resolution Occlusions Violations of brightness constancy (specular reflections) Large motions Low-contrast image regions Stereo reconstruction pipeline Steps Calibrate cameras Rectify images Compute disparity Estimate depth What will cause errors?
Spacetime Stereo Li Zhang, Noah Snavely, Brian Curless, Steven Seitz CVPR 2003, SIGGRAPH 2004
? ? ?
Marker-based Face Capture The Polar Express, 2004 “The largest intractable problem with ‘The Polar Express’ is that the motion-capture technology used to create the human figures has resulted in a film filled with creepily unlifelike beings.” New York Times Review, Nov 2004
Frame-by-Frame Stereo W H = 15 15 Window A Pair of Videos 640 Each Inaccurate & Jittering
3D Surface Spacetime Stereo
Time 3D Surface
Spacetime Stereo Time 3D Surface
Spacetime Stereo 3D Surface Time
Spacetime Stereo Surface Motion Time
Spacetime Stereo Surface Motion Time=0
Spacetime Stereo Surface Motion Time=1
Spacetime Stereo Surface Motion Time=2
Spacetime Stereo Surface Motion Time=3
Spacetime Stereo Surface Motion Time=4
Surface Motion Matching Volumetric Window Affine Window Deformation Key ideas: Spacetime Stereo Time
Spacetime Stereo Time
Spacetime Stereo Time
Spacetime Stereo
A Pair of Videos 640 Each Spacetime Stereo W H T = 9 5 5 Window
Frame-by-Frame vs. Spacetime Stereo Spacetime Stereo W H T = 9 5 5 Window Frame-by-Frame W H = 15 15 Window Spatially More Accurate Temporally More Stable
Video Projectors Color Cameras Black & White Cameras Spacetime Face Capture System
System in Action
Input Videos (640 480, 60fps)
Spacetime Stereo Reconstruction
Creating a Face Database
[Zhang et al. SIGGRAPH’04] …
Application 1: Expression Synthesis [Zhang et al. SIGGRAPH’04] … A New Expression:
Application 2: Facial Animation [Zhang et al. SIGGRAPH’04] …
Keyframe Animation
Some Applications Entertainment: Games & Movies Medical Practice: Prosthetics
Some books on linear algebra Linear Algebra, Serge Lang, 2004 Finite Dimensional Vector Spaces, Paul R. Halmos, 1947 Matrix Computation, Gene H. Golub, Charles F. Van Loan, 1996 Linear Algebra and its Applications, Gilbert Strang, 1988
Multiview Stereo
width of a pixel Choosing the stereo baseline What’s the optimal baseline? Too small: large depth error Too large: difficult search problem Large Baseline Small Baseline all of these points project to the same pair of pixels
The Effect of Baseline on Depth Estimation
1/z width of a pixel width of a pixel 1/z pixel matching score
Multibaseline Stereo Basic Approach Choose a reference view Use your favorite stereo algorithm BUT >replace two-view SSD with SSD over all baselines Limitations Must choose a reference view (bad) Visibility!
MSR Image based Reality Project …|…|