Vision Sensors for Stereo and Motion Joshua Gluckman Polytechnic University
Stereo Vision depth map
Stereo With Mirrors [ Gluckman and Nayar (CVPR 99)]
Why Use Mirrors? Identical system response –Better stereo matching –Faster stereo matching
Why Use Mirrors? Identical system response –Better stereo matching –Faster stereo matching Data acquisition –No synchronization –Data Storage
Stereo Systems Using Mirrors Teoh and Zhang `84 Goshtasby and Gruver `93 Inaba `93 Mathieu and Devernay `95 Mitsumoto `92 Zhang and Tsui `98
Geometry and Calibration
Background – Relative Orientation C C` p p` R,t – 6 parameters
Background – Epipolar Geometry C C` p p` e e`
Background – Epipolar Geometry C C` p p` e e` Epipolar geometry – 7 parameters 4 3
Background – Epipolar Geometry C C` p p` e e` Epipolar geometry – 7 parameters 4 3
One Mirror – Relative Orientation camera virtual camera mirror
One Mirror – Relative Orientation camera 3 parameters virtual camera
One Mirror – Relative Orientation camera 3 parameters virtual camera
One Mirror – Epipolar Geometry 2 parameters – location of epipole
Two Mirrors – Relative Orientation camera virtual camera D
Two Mirrors – Relative Orientation camera virtual camera 1 1 D 2 D DDDDD
Two Mirrors – Relative Orientation camera virtual camera 5 parameters
Two Mirrors – Epipolar Geometry V V` p p` e e` 4 6 parameters 2
Two Mirrors – Epipolar Geometry epipole e` p` p epipole e image of the axis m
Two Mirrors – Epipolar Geometry epipole e` p1`p1` p1p1 epipole e image of the axis m p2p2 p3p3 p4p4 p2`p2` p3`p3` p4`p4`
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Calibration Parameters Two Cameras6 (rigid transform)7 One Mirror3 (reflection transform)2 Two Mirrors5 (screw transform)6 Three+ Mirrors6 (rigid transform)7 Relative orientationEpipolar geometry
Mirror Stereo Systems
Real Time Stereo System Calibrate Get Images Rectify Matching Depth Map
Rectification of Stereo Images Perspective transformations
Why Rectify Stereo Images? Fast stereo matching O(hw 2 s) O(hw 2 ) Removes differences in rotation and scale
Not All Rectification Transforms Are the Same
Rectification – Previous Methods Ayache and Hansen `88 Faugeras `93 Robert et al. `93 Hartley `98 Loop and Zhang `99 Roy et al. `97 Pollefeys et al. `99 3D methods – need calibration Non-perspective transformations 2D methods – rectify from epipolar geometry
The Bad Effects of Resampling the Images Creation of new pixels causes –Blurs the texture –Additional computation Loss of pixels –Loss of information –Aliasing [Gluckman and Nayar CVPR ’01]
Measuring the Effects of Resampling determinant of the Jacobian change in local area
Measuring the Effects of Resampling determinant of the Jacobian change in local area
Measuring the Effects of Resampling determinant of the Jacobian change in local area
Change In Aspect Ratio Preserves Local Area pixels lost pixels created
Skew Preserves Local Area aliasing
Minimizing the Effects of Resampling P and P’ must be rectifying transformation No change in aspect ratio and skew change in local area
The Class of Rectifying Transformations Rotation and translation Fundamental matrix e e ee
The Class of Rectifying Transformations e e
e e e e
e e e e 6 parameters
The Class of Rectifying Transformations e e e e 2 parameters no skew maintain aspect ratio
The Class of Rectifying Transformations 2 parameters scale perspective distortion
Finding the Best Rectifying Transform Find p 1 and p 8 that minimize change in local area
Finding the Best Rectifying Transform Find p 1 and p 8 that minimize change in local area is quadratic in p 1 so the optimal scale can be found as a function of p 8 is a 16 th degree rational polynomial in p 8
Finding the Best Rectifying Transform The minimum of is between 0 and f 5 1 and 2 are symmetric convex polynomials 1 has a minimum at p 8 = 0 2 has a minimum at p 8 = f 5 1 2
Finding the Best Rectifying Transform 1 and 2 depend on the location of epipoles epipoles at the same distance 1 2
Finding the Best Rectifying Transform 1 and 2 depend on the location of epipoles epipoles at a distance of 3 and 10 1 2
Rectifying While Minimizing Resampling Effects Step 1: Rotate and translate the epipolar geometry
Rectifying While Minimizing Resampling Effects Step 1: Rotate and translate the epipolar geometry Step 2: Find p 1 and p 8 that minimize
Rectifying While Minimizing Resampling Effects Step 1: Rotate and translate the epipolar geometry Step 2: Find p 1 and p 8 that minimize Step 3: Construct P and P’
Rectifying While Minimizing Resampling Effects Step 1: Rotate and translate the epipolar geometry Step 2: Find p 1 and p 8 that minimize Step 3: Construct P and P’ Step 4: Rectify the images using the perspective transformations
Rectification and Stereo Matching
Rectified Stereo Using Mirrors Not rectified Rectified [Gluckman and Nayar CVPR ’00]
When Is a Stereo System Rectified? No relative rotation between stereo cameras Direction of translation along the scan lines (x-axis) Identical intrinsic parameters (focal length)
Rectified Stereo Sensors left virtual camera right virtual camera D
left virtual camera right virtual camera Rectified Stereo Sensors
What Constraints Must Be Satisfied?
How Many Reflections? Even number of reflections Odd number of reflections
Example: Four mirrors Won’t Work
What Constraints Must Be Satisfied?
Single Mirror Rectified Stereo
camera virtual camera b
Three Mirror Rectified Stereo
n 1, n 2, n 3 and x-axis must be coplanar One constraint on the angles One constraint on the distances 4 constraints
A Three Mirror Solution 9 d.o.f. – 4 constraints = 5 parameter family of solutions
Sensor Size 9 d.o.f. – 4 constraints = 5 parameter family of solutions
Optimized Solutions
Rectified Stereo Sensors Mirrors Mirror
Rectified Images and Depth Maps
Misplacement of the Camera Mirrors Mirror
Misplacement of the Camera Mirrors Mirror Invariant to misplacement of camera center
Misplacement of the Camera Mirrors Mirror Insensitive to tilt of optical axis
Misplacement of the Camera Mirrors Mirror Dependent on pan of optical axis
Split Shot Stereo Camera Nikon Coolpix camera mirror attachment
Image Sensors for Motion Computation
Camera Motion motion rotation, translation, depth
[ Anadan and Avidan (ECCV 00)] [e,e’] y x y x
[Gluckman and Nayar ICCV ’98][Aloimonos et al]
Future Work
Split Shot Stereo Camera Nikon Coolpix camera mirror attachment
Split Shot Stereo Camera
The Class of Rectifying Transformations e e` p 1 changes the distance and p 8 changes the tilt of the rectifying plane Rectification projects the images onto a plane parallel to the camera centers