An Introduction to Virginia’s Standards of Learning, Assessments, and Related Resources Provided by the Virginia Department of Education Dr. Linda Wallinger Assistant Superintendent for Instruction Virginia Department of Education November 1, 2012
2 Standards of Learning Revision and Assessment Timeline Subject AreaStandards of Learning & Curriculum Framework Approved Full Implementation & Assessments Based Entirely on New Standards Health, PE, & Driver Ed*2008N/A History and Social Science Mathematics English Science Computer Technology*2012N/A Fine Arts*2013N/A Foreign Language*2014N/A Health, PE, & Driver Ed*2015N/A History and Social Science *These subject areas do not have state assessments and do not have Curriculum Frameworks.
3 The Standards of Learning Review Process DOE seeks public comment on the old Standards of Learning. DOE convenes review committees. Committees meet to analyze the comments and review other information relevant to improving the SOL. Committee members make recommendations for revisions. DOE staff develop a proposed draft of revised SOL. The proposed draft is provided to higher education faculty and the business community for feedback.
4 The Standards of Learning Review Process Feedback is incorporated into the proposed revised SOL, which are presented to the Board of Education for first review. The Board seeks public comment for 30 days. DOE staff review the comments and make final edits. A summary of public comments is provided to the Board of Education at final review. The Board approves the Standards of Learning. The public and school divisions are notified by Superintendent’s Memorandum.
5 Curriculum Framework Curriculum Framework details the specific knowledge and skills students must possess for each of the subject areas with statewide assessments. DOE convenes a committee to review the Curriculum Framework to ensure alignment with the new SOL. Curriculum Framework is presented to the Board of Education for first review. A 30-day public comment period is held. A final copy is submitted to the Board of Education for final review and approval. Curriculum Framework is posted to the DOE’s Web site.
6 Curriculum Framework Curriculum Framework should be the basis for local curriculum development. Each subject area Curriculum Framework “unpacks” each standard so teachers know the exact concepts and skills that will be tested on Virginia’s Standards of Learning assessments.
7 Grade 4 Mathematics Curriculum Framework
8 Curricular Resources Crosswalks between the old Standards of Learning and the new Standards of Learning Enhanced Scope and Sequence Sample Lesson Plans Content-specific Web pages SOL institutes and presentations at conferences and other local, regional, and statewide events Most resources posted to the DOE’s Web page
9 SOL Assessments English Reading – Grades 3 – 8, and Grade 11 End-of-Course English Writing – Grades 5, 8, and Grade 11 End-of-Course Mathematics – Grades 3 – 8, Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II Science – Grades 3, 5, 8, and Earth Science, Biology, and Chemistry History and Social Science – Grade 3, Virginia Studies, U.S. History to 1865, U.S. History 1865 to Present, Civics and Economics – World Geography, World History and Geography to 1500, World History and Geography 1500 to Present, Va. and U.S. History
10 Test Blueprints Tests are based on the Standards of Learning and the Curriculum Framework. The test blueprint provides – Reporting categories – Assignment of standards to the categories – Any SOL that may be excluded from the test – General information about how the test is constructed
11 Grade 3 Mathematics Test Blueprint
12 Released Tests and Practice Items Released tests from the previous year’s spring test administration Technology-enhanced items Students respond in ways other than multiple choice Comprise 10 – 15% of Mathematics, English, and Science Standards of Learning tests
13 Other Resources in this Series An Overview of Standards of Learning Item and Test Development Content-specific explanations of how the Standards of Learning in a particular subject area were developed and the DOE resources available to support them Several discussions about the meaning of rigor in Virginia’s Standards of Learning
14 For More Information Information about Virginia’s Standards of Learning is available at: and or call the Department of Education at This presentation and others in the series are available on the Department of Education’s Web site at: