Charles I v. Parliament Cavaliers (royalists) v. “Roundheads” (Parliament) Charles I defeated, executed 1649 Protectorate (Puritan rule) Oliver Cromwell – “Lord Protector” Theaters closed, conservative rule 5 Revolutions: 1. Political (England)
Cromwell dies 1658 Charles II restored in 1660 Dies in 1685 w/out heir James II (Catholic) assumes throne No male heir, daughter (Mary) Protestant Has a son (will be raised Catholic) 5 Revolutions: 1. Political (England)
“Glorious Revolution” Populace wants P. ruler “power brokers” invite Mary & William (husband) to take throne, James dethroned w/out “much” bloodshed Act of Settlement (crown kept in P. hands) Parliament gains almost complete control of gov’t with George I (1714) 5 Revolutions: 1. Political (England)
Manufacturing Technology Energy sources (steam) Growth of “not London” cities continues 5 Revolutions: 2. Industrial
Concurrent w. Industrial Technology New machinery Crop rotation techniques Larger farms Improved transportation 5 Revolutions: 3. Agricultural
DUH England – significant military power Weakened by loss of colonies 5 Revolutions: 4. Political (America)
1789 – French Revolution So what? Gov’t “of the people” now in Europe Government w/out king/monarch established in “old country” 5 Revolutions: 5. Political (France)
Parliament grows in stature, so does London 1660 – theaters reopen, women allowed on stage 1664 – “Great Plague” hits London 15% of population killed in 2 years 1666 – Great Fire of London Est. 70,000 of 80,000 people lost homes London as “Center”
As London rebuilds… Transportation improvements Turnpikes Canals Primarily for business Allows for greater individual mobility London as “Center”
Away from London Country (rural) Sober, thoughtful topics Meditative Rural, contemplative mood became dominant in poetry Focus shifts…but not completely
What holds the social order together? What can one know about the order of the world or the “right” way to behave? What is my place in the social order? Societal Questions
Newton Universe governed by natural physical principles “divine watchmaker” theory of God Milton – Paradise Lost Fall of Satan, Adam & Eve Answers previous Question #2? Societal Questions
Milton “Paradise Lost” Epic poem in English to “match those of Homer & Virgil” Considered Arthurian legends (echoing Homer & Virgil), decided on “fall of man” Protectorate, Restoration… “fall of man & coming of a redeemer to restore humanity to its rightful place” Milton as O.T. prophet, heralding the “coming” (socially & politically) Social Effects on Literature
Swift Takes advantage of growth of reason over “revelation” Satire “Mock-serious” in tone, ridicules conduct by “shining a light” on its ridiculousness Satire
Coffeehouses Rise in popularity w/middle class Trade “gossip”, read “magazines” (new) More “proper” than a tavern/pub London as “Center”
Essay Coffeehouses & “new” magazines “sermons for the middle class” Novel Started as “quasi-religious” narratives (see previous) Person struggling to survive in a hostile, evil, or indifferent world New Literary Forms
Rise of the Middle class contributes to the growth & development of these new forms Literate audience Money to spend on periodicals/books Time to read them New Literary Forms