Module 1 Peer Coaching on Paper Peer Coach Training
Activity 1 Meet and greet
How did you find the readings? I was impressed by… I am wondering… Activity 1 - Meet and greet This is your opportunity to introduce yourself and share your reflections on the readings with your peers. Briefly say who you are and where you teach. Describe something in the reading/s that impressed you. I was impressed by……… What was one thing that left you wondering? I am wondering ……
Activity 2 Professional Learning in your School
Implications for Professional Learning? Type of Training Knowledge Mastery Skill Acquisition Classroom Application Theory 85% 15% 5% Practical 80% 10% Coaching 90%
Peer Coaching Is focused on our core work of improving student outcomes offers a significant degree of challenge is informed by the best available research on effective learning and teaching is embedded in teacher practice and analysis Peer coaching is an effective professional learning strategy. It: Is focused on our core work of improving student outcomes offers a significant degree of challenge is informed by the best available research on effective learning and teaching is embedded in teacher practice and analysis is a strategy that provides constructive feedback about performance is collaborative and reflective uses evidence based problem solving is an ongoing, supported element within the school culture
Peer Coaching is a strategy that provides constructive feedback about performance is collaborative and reflective uses evidence based problem solving is an ongoing, supported element within the school culture Peer coaching is an effective professional learning strategy. It: Is focused on our core work of improving student outcomes offers a significant degree of challenge is informed by the best available research on effective learning and teaching is embedded in teacher practice and analysis is a strategy that provides constructive feedback about performance is collaborative and reflective uses evidence based problem solving is an ongoing, supported element within the school culture
How does peer coaching work? provides job-embedded professional feedback and support promotes active learning by offering teachers opportunities to become involved in meaningful discussion and planning, observe other teachers, be observed, and receive feedback
How does peer coaching work? offers teachers opportunities to link the ideas learned in professional learning sessions to their teaching context is a collaborative partnership between peer coach and learning partner and not a mentor-novice relationship Peer Coaching is not supervision
Discuss The implications and what this means for professional learning in your school? ‘How does peer coaching differ from supervision?’ After leading a conversation about the above 5 slides, discuss in pairs, then come together as a group to further discuss your thoughts around the 2 questions posed above
Activity 3 Effective professional learning
Think of a time when… … You learned something from a professional learning experience that changed your practice as a teacher or leader. Participants take 5 minutes to write down reflective note of this experience in their journal..
Share What made this experience so effective? What are the implications for you as a coach? Participants share their thinking so that the group can develop a list of the characteristics of effective learning. Create a list with the top 5 conditions for effective professional learning. Add them to a group collaborative document, whiteboard or flip chart.
Activity 4 The Coaching Cycle
The Coaching Cycle Assess Identify School Goals Prepare Implement Reflect / Debrief Refer to handbook for detailed notes. Take time for participants to read through this explanation and then discuss this cycle with particular attention to the activities a coach leads during each section. Roles of a coach are in brackets. No need to focus on these too much as they are covered next. Summary 1. Assess (Using classroom data, to help teachers determine an area of the curriculum that needs innovation) - determine teacher preparation - Set Goals 2. Identify school goals determine classroom goals identify activity project determine required skills 3. Prepare (co-planning a learning activity or lesson that integrates technology or a 21st Century dimension into active, engaging learning activities) - set dimension for learning activities - plan activity/project - share lessons / resources - create / adapt materials - review / learn tech skills 4. Implement (demonstrate lessons that integrate technology and 21st Century dimensions effectively) - Model/team teach - apply/adjust - assess learning 5. Reflect/Debrief (after observation with participating teacher discuss what worked, what didn’t and how a lesson or activity might be modified in the future to be more effective – using coaching conversation skills) - Determine effectiveness - Plan future activities
Activity 5 Coaching Roles and Attributes
Some of the roles coaches play Using classroom data, to help teachers determine an area of the curriculum that needs innovation. Co-planning a learning activity or lesson that integrates technology or a 21st Century Learning dimension into active, engaging learning activities. Demonstrating lessons that integrate 21st Century Learning dimensions or technology effectively. After observation, discussing, with the participating teacher, what worked, what didn’t and how a lesson or activity might be modified in the future to be more effective. 4 roles of a coach Using classroom data, to help teachers determine an area of the curriculum that needs innovation. Co-planning a learning activity or lesson that integrates technology into active, engaging learning activities. Demonstrating lessons that integrate technology effectively. After observation, discussing, with the participating teacher, what worked, what didn’t and how a lesson or activity might be modified in the future to be more effective. Discuss – Are there any other roles you could add to this list? Discuss.
A whole school approach to Peer Coaching Watch this short video showcasing a school’s journey with Peer Coaching. The image is linked to the video at: Participants write a list of the roles they see coaches playing in the video.
Coaching Roles Develop a list of coaching roles. What roles could you play in your school? In small groups, participants create a list of coaching roles Come together to combine group lists to a larger group list for the whole cohort. In pairs participants should discuss which roles they can play personally in their school.
What are the main attributes of a successful coach? Develop a list of coaching attributes. What attributes do you have now? Which do need to develop?
Activity 6 21st Century Learning
The Chalk Talk Protocol This protocol encourages inclusivity in group brainstorming and silence encourages deep thinking. For this activity we will use a Protocol called ‘Chalk Talk’. This protocol encourages inclusivity in group brainstorming and silence encourages deep thinking. The skilful coach uses communication skills such as protocols like this to encourage a collaborating teacher to think more deeply about the learning that students need in order to be successful in the future. The protocol can be found in the Peer Coaching Library
What do coaches need to be able to do to support teachers’ needs? 21st Century Learning What skills and competencies do our students need to be successful in school and in their careers? What are the characteristics of learning activities that will help students to develop these skills? What professional learning is going to best prepare teachers to meet their students’ needs? What do coaches need to be able to do to support teachers’ needs? Read through these questions What skills and competencies do our students need to be successful in school and in their careers? What are the characteristics of learning activities that will help students to develop these skills? What professional learning is going to best prepare teachers to meet their students’ needs? What do coaches need to be able to do to support teachers’ needs?
Learning to Change, Changing to Learn Watch the video ‘Learning to Change, Changing to Learn’ at (the image is linked to this video)
Our Questions Participants Make notes as they watch the above video. What skills and competencies do our students need to be successful in school and in their careers? What are the characteristics of learning activities that will help students to develop these skills? Participants Make notes as they watch the above video. During the video write the two questions above onto 2 boards/ flip charts (face to face or online) Ask participants to get up and grab a white board marker / pen each They should answer the two questions taking as many turns as they wish to write information on the board in a brainstorming manner. This should be done silently. (Insist on this) Move around the room and read the ideas.
Discuss the impact on coaching What professional learning is going to best prepare teachers to meet their students’ needs? What do coaches need to be able to do to support teachers’ needs? As a group discuss these two questions in context of the brainstorming notes and the impact on Peer Coaching and Professional learning
Chalk Talk Debrief How effective was the Chalk Talk? Could you use this with your students? How effective was the Chalk Talk? Could you use this with your students? Discuss questions 3 and 4 as a group. What are the implications for you as a coach?
End of Module 1 Peer Coaching on Paper Peer Coach Training