Red Green Colored Blindness Ashley Flink
Disease Definition Red/Green colored blindness is when you get the colors red and green confused.
Symptoms of disease A person with this disease will have to learn how to associate with textures, certain tones, and intensities.
Treatments There are no known treatments for this disease. The only thing you can do is have surgery.
Genetic Information This disease is present from the time of birth. Most of the time men get this disease. 8% of men and 0.5% of female get this disease.
Victim of this disease Sandra Bullock
Red/Green Colored Blindness is the most common color blindness there is. Red/Green Colored Blindness happens or occurs most of the time in men. Women rarely get this disease. When you are walking past someone on the street and they have this disease you can not tell. Anyone could have this disease and no one would notice it. I could say that Michael J. Fox had this disease and he may not even have it. It is really weird that most of the people that have this disease are men. I would have never thought that. I think I learned some what a lot off of this disease. Sources Cited Sheet