Su Doku!
Given a grid and some numbers, fill the rest in… They might be in the wrong order…
Working out which goes where The only numbers are 1, 2, 3, 4 You’re going to end up with those numbers once in each column once in each row once in each small block! Let’s start with the bottom left. We can’t have 1 on the bottom row, because it’s already there! We can’t have 4 on the left column, because it’s already there! 1 4
Look at the bottom row – what’s missing? What is missing in the bottom right block? What’s missing from that column if 3 goes in the left box? WHOOPS! What’s missing from that column if 4 goes in that left box? Now we’ve got one missing from that right block! What shall we put in there? Let’s look at the right column – what’s missing? Can you finish it off?
Some things to remember Remember Sherlock Holmes! 1)“When you’ve eliminated everything else, whatever remains is the truth!” So put your missing numbers in first! 2) “There’s a place for everything!” If 4 is in the red circle, it can’t be in the blue circle, so it must be somewhere else! 3) “Conspicuous by its absence” Each row, column, box has a 1 in, except the third column. So where should the final 1 go? 4 41
Further practice Now try the practice puzzles available at: When you have practised why not use one of the blank grids provided to make your own puzzles?