A UNIFORM VIEW OF FLUIDS: From argon to aqueous solutions of electrolytes Ivo NEZBEDA E. Hala Lab. of Thermodynamics, Acad. Sci., Prague and Dept. of Theoret. Physics, Charles University, Prague Collaborators: J. Kolafa, M. Lisal A. Chialvo, M. Kettler L. Vlcek
MOTIVATION: T o understand the behavior of fluids in terms of simple molecular properties [e.g. excluded volume, dipole moment, strength of association, etc.] T o develop a molecular-based theory (using a perturbation expansion) T o develop workable (and reliable) expressions for the thermodynamic properties of fluids
… This result may generate some controversy, as it is at odds with the conventional wisdom. … This is an interesting study and presents useful results. However, some of their results are rather unusual and defy the conventional wisdom. It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Sherlock Holmes in “A Scandal in Bohemia”