National Middle School Conference
Big Themes… Need more student voice. Still 80/20. Where are we? How can we shift the focus from teacher directed to students?
The Great Wall of China was built to-- A. Close China to foreign trade B. Provide a trade route across Asia C. Protect China from invaders D. Create a monument to Mongol rule
Which city is important to Judaism, Christianity, and Islam? A. Rome B. Constantinople C. Mecca D. Jerusalem
Numbered Heads Together Number students off 1-4 Each group is to answer a question/ do a problem. Call one number and have them give the answer.
What was the name of Robin Hood’s girlfriend?
Maid Marian
Who lived at 221 B, Baker Street, London?
Sherlock Holmes
Bluff Divide class into 2 groups. Ask one group a question. If they think they know the answer, have them stand. Choose a student to respond. If they are correct, have that student count up the number of kids standing. The team gets that many points. If incorrect, it goes to the other team.
Who was the main character in “Cocktail”?
Tom Cruise
What is the smallest country in the world?
Vatican City
Management… Middle Schoolers need to move. Build movement into your classes. Kid tapping his/ her pen. Take your pen & tap your leg. If they don’t catch the hint, tell them quietly. Kids tapping the spot above your door, put up a target.