Examples of technology searches using patent databases Andrew Czajkowski Head, Innovation and Technology Support Section Jerusalem 21 June 2010
Outline Examples from: PATENTSCOPE ® USPTO FTPat and FTApp JPO IPDL
State of the art search – Example To find the state of the art for rotatable buildings using renewable energy for generating electric power
WIPO Homepage
Keywords Initial Keywords building rotatable converting energy Synonyms found from a thesaurus, specialized dictionary, etc.,: building, edifice, house, structure, construction, office block, skyscraper, tower, shop, etc.
Keyword search tools Truncation build* to give buildings or builder; structur* to give structural or structures; etc. Boolean Operators AND, OR, ANDNOT, NEAR Parentheses (build* or edifice* or ….. or “office block”) and (rota* or spin* or swirl*) and (conver* or generat*) and (energ* or power*)
Combine search terms and use search tools
Too many results!
Find IPC symbols Search using IPC
Combine Keywords and IPC Combine keywords and IPC IPC E04B = rotary building structures in general E04H = rotary building sections
National Phase Status
Procedural Documents
Competitor search - Example Who is currently working in the field of avian influenza? Search: H5N1 or “avian flu” or synonyms Result: 1248 documents
Competitor Search / Monitoring To find only patents from Novartis Search: H5N1 and PA/Novartis Use RSS to monitor new patent applications from Novartis each week
Competitor Search / Monitoring
WIPO Homepage
State of the Art Search Example
Relevance weighting – “^” symbol
Relevance weighting vehicle hydraulic suspension strutvehicle^5 hydraulic suspension strut
Description - Embedded Images
Patent Application information Retrieval PAIR
JPO Search
Full document - figures
Legal Status
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