STF phase 2 plan H. Hayano, 09042008. STF phase 2 Accelerator Layout cavities: 2 capture cavities with short ILC-cross-section cryomodule + 26 cavities.


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Presentation transcript:

STF phase 2 plan H. Hayano,

STF phase 2 Accelerator Layout cavities: 2 capture cavities with short ILC-cross-section cryomodule + 26 cavities for ILC cryomodules cryomodule: 3 ILC cryomodules, 9 cavities, 8 cavities with SC-Quad+correction dipoles+BPM, 9 cavities power source: 10MW MBK + bouncer modulator + Linear PDS + ATCA base LLRF e- beam by FNAL RFgun + IAP laser : 3.2nC x 2625 bunches, 9mA, 5Hz, will be accelerated up to 850MeV

Cavity preparation area, to install DESY/FNAL pre-tuning machine Laser room planned, to install IAP laser. STF phase2 expansion of module assembly area, EP area, clean-room

新搬入口 12m module will be transported by truck to the new carry-in hall, and crane down into tunnel. STF Tunnel Layout New carry-in hall with crane Capture cavity modules (2 cavities) 12m long Cryomodules (3 connected) RF gun

X-ray generation experiment (compact light source accelerator ) inclusion in STF phase 2 Quantum Beam Accelerator X-ray generation experiment in 2012

Details of cavity process delivery (1) receiving inspection, surface inspection, surface repair (2) EP1(150μm ), surface inspection, surface repair (3) anneal (750 ℃) (4) pre-tuning (5) EP2(20μm ), antenna installation, 120 ℃ baking (6) installation into VT-hanging support (7) VT ( First ) (8) Cavity dismount, surface inspection, repair (9) pre-tuning (10) EP2(20μm ), antenna installation, 120 ℃ baking (11) installation into VT-hanging support (12) VT ( second ) OK ( ≧ 35MV/m) NG (<35MV/m) keep it for later process (8), (13) cavity dismount, Ar filling, transport for dressing Process & measurement of 1 batch 5 cavities : takes 17 weeks For 28 cavities : 6 batches 102 weeks Assume workable 44 week in year, then takes 2 years and 4 months to complete. group 1: inspection, surface inspection, repair :2 people group 2: anneal and pre-tuning :2 people group 3: clean room work, baking :2 people group 4: preparation & dismounting for VT :2 people group 5: VT :2 people total 10 people outsourcing

新搬入口の場所 New Carry-in hall STF building STF tunnel

DESY-FNAL-KEK pre-tuning machine delivery in fall 2009

28SEP07 FNAL-KEK L-Band RF Gun Cavity FNAL RF Gun System Fermilab will supply to KEK only the Gun Cavity and input coupler Coaxial coupler Gun Cavity Solenoid Magnet Compensator Magnet Cathode inserted here ビーム Delivery in March 2009

Cold model BPM test at ATF Linac. ML BPM Y output (ADC counts) vs. beam Y position [µm] by stripline BPMs Typical beam sweep example Results: estimated resolution was 1E10 intensity by detected V-shape slope and electronics noise. Problems: U-shape (not V-shape) by common mode mixture? or cavity tilt?. (or fault of design?) Further study is planned in Autumn!! TM120 mode cavity BPM, frequency is 2.04GHz

Schedule under discussion CY STF operation Infra- structure S1 Global cool-down Quantum beam accelerator X-ray generation experiment Phase2 1module operation Phase2 3module operation Laser room for RF gun preparation EP expansion preparation clean room expansion preparation 12m module assembly pre para tion New carry-in hall construction cryostat test4-cavity test pre para tion cavity preparation area preparation new radiation limit area application of new accelerator RFgun from FNAL Laser from IAP pre-tuning from FNAL cavity fabrication cavity process & test

Cost Estimation (Aug. 2007) STF phase 2 ( total oku-yen, for 3 years ) beam source : 4.49 oku-yen capture cavities : 1.00 oku-yen cryomodules : oku-yen RF power source : 3.91 oku-yen 2K-refregilator : 1.30 oku-yen cavity process and test : 3.20 oku-yen ( including outsourcing man power for 2 years ) Carry-in hall : 2.00 oku-yen infra-structure : 3.20 oku-yen *This is Hayano’s cost estimation, which was intended to be sent to DG of KEK as a request of long-term KEK future plan from The amount of the request was not the same as described here. Contribution of other countries were not included, that is, all the construction to be done by KEK and Japanese industries.