Queensland Digital Cadastral Dataset DCDB National Workshop Bill Gilder - Steve Tarbit
Spatial Information Group
Maintain, improve and provide authoritative spatial and scientific infrastructure for government, industry and community wellbeing and development. Provides strategic and policy direction for spatial information and positioning infrastructure in Queensland. Leads and coordinates the management and acquisition of the State’s framework spatial and scientific datasets. Develops and maintains infrastructure which provide access to high quality and timely spatial and scientific data. Produces and promotes relevant products and services for government, industry and the community through client-friendly means. Purpose The Spatial Information Group
Spatial Information Group Spatial Policy provides strategic and policy direction for spatial information and positioning infrastructure in Queensland. Data Management and Acquisition Unit (DMA) leads and supports the acquisition and management of the State’s framework spatial and scientific datasets. Spatial and Scientific Systems (SaSS) Unit makes spatial and scientific data and infrastructure available for all DERM staff and the public. Functions provided by the business unit include information system support, innovation, development and review. Client Outcomes focuses primarily on the customers of the Spatial Information group. The unit also provides a range of services for the department, related to the broader management of products and services.
State Digital Cadastral Dataset Parcels of land shown on a building format or volumetric format plan are not required to be included. Section 46, Survey and Mapping Infrastructure (SMI) Act 2003 The digital cadastral dataset is required to contain: A digital graphic representation of each parcel of land in the State and, A unique description for each parcel of land and the approximate coordinates for the corners of the parcels.
Creation of Queensland Digital Cadastral Database (DCDB) 1983 department initiated the capture of the cadastral boundaries from working maps Map scales of 1:2,500 to 1:250,000 Pictorial representation of boundaries to be used for administrative purposes only Attribute information captured for each parcel 1992 Notings system completed – working maps no longer required Initial positional accuracy dependant on scale of map sheets used at capture and precision of digitising. Accuracies ranged from ±1.5 metres to ±637 metres
Queensland DCDB Contains over 2 million cadastral lots (2.9 million parcels) Has evolved to become an essential framework dataset, with accuracy expectations far exceeding the original intent Complete cadastral layer of lots, road and watercourse Secondary layers and administrative boundaries Used within all levels of government and private industry Integral to departmental land management practices, land administration and titling Various delivery methods:- DVD, SMIS, online (QGIS)
Positional Upgrade Commenced 1995 Accuracy intent to 0.2 metres for asset management Generally in urban/peri urban areas 16 LGA’s completed 9 LGA’s in progress Commenced 2004 Positional upgrade in rural and remote areas of the state Using 1: orthophoto images and rectified satellite imagery Projected accuracy is ±5 metres using orthophoto and ±25 metres using satellite imagery Graphical Relativity Project LGA Partnership (Data Enhancement Agreements)
Positional Upgrade
97 % by parcel 40 % by area Unsurveyed Areas Surveyed Unsurveyed 3 % by parcel 60 % by area
Survey Control Dataset Permanent Survey Mark Statistics – SCDB – Total 156,600 Co-ordinated (4th Order or better) Cadastrally Connected20,70013% Not Connected10,3007% Not Co-ordinated Cadastrally Connected90,60058% Not Connected35,00022%
Maturity of the Digital Cadastral Dataset Graphical Maintenance Environment Point in time correction or movement No observation audit trail Reliant on operator judgement Numerical Maintenance Environment Rigorous maintenance environment Adjusted using recognised survey methodologies Considers reinstatement hierarchy of evidence Lineage from coordinates to observations Repeatable measure of quality
ePlan Initiative Production plan auditing workflow PID’s added to DCDB June 2008 All registrable plans captured on lodgement Automated validation of plan information EARL – Stage I Cadastral Infrastructure Search External digital lodgement and validation of survey plans (CIF) Anticipated release July 2011 EARL – Stage II
CIF Observations … ° 51’ 15” ° 39’ 30”125 … DistanceBearingTo StnFrom Stn Survey Plan
Cadastral Point Identifiers Digital Cadastre Survey Plan / CIF … 12 / SP / SP / RP … Stn / Plan NumberPid Points Dataset
Point Position History … , , , … AdjustmentPositionPid Digital Cadastre Points Dataset
Undertaken in conjunction with Ergon Energy Validate positional accuracy of Ergon Energy imagery Investigate and report on; –Sources of information for an adjustment –Alternate survey plan capture methodologies –Alternate adjustment engines –Interfacing adjustment engine with existing systems –Storage of adjustment metadata Upgrade DCDB within part of Emerald Numerical Upgrade Pilot
Adjustment Components
169 cadastral infrastructure files 1472 current parcels –1198 base lots –274 easements 6593 points connected (Pid’s) 498 additional points created –639 new connections Emerald SIP Capture Metrics
CIF - observations & intent SPDB - point index & position DCDB - topology & currency SCDB - control DCDB CIF Build Input Process SCDB SPDB DynaML DynaNet ADJ Load Results Process DCDB SPDB Meta (Archive) Adjustment Information Flow
ESRI Cadastral Editor DCDB SCDB Imagery + Observations Control ( ) CIF Cad XML SCDB Imagery + Observations Control Plan Images SCDB Imagery + Observations Control Fabric Methodologies Trialled DynaNet
Adjustment Considerations 3% of base lots in DCDB have one or more unsurveyed boundaries This amounts to some 60% of the State by area Survey observations may exist on other plans Unsurveyed Areas Misalignment of Boundaries Resolving identified issues
Adjustment Considerations Survey information available –Unsurveyed boundaries Age of parcels –Survey methods used –Monumentation placed Rate of subdivision –Homogeneous cadastre –Ad-hoc development Natural boundaries & discontinuities Multiple Adjustment Methodologies
That’s All Folks