Appreciative Inquiry Case Studies Jane Farthing, Tony Silbert, Appreciative Inquiry Conference Baltimore, MD October 2, 2001
Discovering the Positive Core: A Case Study International departmental organization formed from two diverse legacy organizations Operationally joined, yet structurally separate: Two organizational structures Two HR systems and programs Two distinct corporate cultures Many international cultures
The Challenge: Unleash the Power of the New Organization Realistic business case, Supportive executives, Shared leadership, Professional staff, Similar vision & mission, Similar work products… …but, the synergies expected were not evident.
Used CGE&Y’s ePositiveChange ® Transformation Approach Describing the intent. Define Identify core teamIdentify core team Plan approachPlan approach Develop interview protocolDevelop interview protocol Discovery Appreciating the best of what is. Conduct appreciative interviewsConduct appreciative interviews Capture & share stories,Capture & share stories, experiences, opportunities experiences, opportunities Deploy Delivering & sustaining the dream. the dream. Replicate ePositiveChange processReplicate ePositiveChange process Build process into “the way work is done”Build process into “the way work is done” Launch and monitor action plansLaunch and monitor action plans Design Co-constructing what should be. Channel rediscovered energiesChannel rediscovered energies Build action plans in support of new environment and opportunitiesBuild action plans in support of new environment and opportunities Dream Envisioning what might be. Use stories as basis to envision and design statements of the future-- vision, mission, purposeUse stories as basis to envision and design statements of the future-- vision, mission, purpose
Define: Describe the Intent Interviewed leadership team Identified the core team Facilitated focus groups Included all work groups and levels Identified topics for the retreat Designed retreat Accelerate through the first “4 Ds” Developed interview protocol
Define: Client Objectives Build mutual respect and trust Re-launch cohesive, high-performing team Review, reconfirm and gain commitment to the Mission and Strategic Plan Develop action plans to deliver on promises
Define: Pre-retreat Focus Groups Identify topics of interest Create trust with the facilitation team Communicate leadership commitment for change
Focus Group Results-- Opposite Attraction? Methodical Careful Prudent Chaotic Slow Risk averse Flexible Innovative Fast moving Systematic Forward thinking Risk taking
Discovering the Positive Core Appreciative Interviews designed to: Interview member from “other” organization Discover strengths, talents, capabilities Debrief designed to Capture the shared spirit Highlight the similarities Create a sense of common purpose
The Positive Core Mosaic
Dream & Design: The Topics Robust Communications Participatory Decision Making Leadership Responsiveness Connected Operating Agreement Inspired and Productive Teams Powerful Staff Development
Deploy: Action Plan to Implement High-level next steps, accountability, dates Follow-up meeting with the core and leadership teams: Debrief retreat Share learnings Plan sustaining actions
Lessons Learned Sometimes you need to let participants express frustrations so that they can move beyond where they are Be flexible in your delivery to adjust for the needs of the group Let the energy you felt the first time you experienced AI boost your confidence in using it
Setting the Strategic Agenda for IT Transformation using the ePositiveChange ® approach Global financial/insurance company Approximately 50,000 employees world-wide Annual revenue $20 – 30 billion Transform major component of the IT organization Approximately 2,000 employees Support majority of business functions
Evolution vs. Revolution Transition vs. Transformation The Mindset Challenge Creating a service culture Move to consulting services operating model Demonstrating strategic value of IT articulate the value of this transformation for business clients and partners Transforming while Performing create positive change transformation strategy and plan to gain organizational alignment create commitment, momentum, and excitement for the transformation Keep the “lights on” during the transformation
ePositiveChange ® Transformation Approach Articulating the Intent Define Integrated project teamIntegrated project team Awareness sessionAwareness session Develop interview protocolDevelop interview protocol Discover Appreciating the Best of What is Conduct appreciative interviewsConduct appreciative interviews Discover Internal Best PracticesDiscover Internal Best Practices Discover Positive Core & Positive Deviance ProfileDiscover Positive Core & Positive Deviance Profile Deploy Delivering & Sustaining the Destiny the Destiny Replicate ePositiveChange processReplicate ePositiveChange process Embed into work streamsEmbed into work streams Leadership launch sessionsLeadership launch sessions Functional summitsFunctional summits Develop Positive Change capacityDevelop Positive Change capacity Create a constructive cultureCreate a constructive cultureDestiny Future state consulting operating model createdFuture state consulting operating model created Future state roadmap createdFuture state roadmap created Prioritized transformation activitiesPrioritized transformation activities Commitment statement signedCommitment statement signed Dream & Design Envisioning What Might be & Co-constructing What Should be Develop positive change guiding principlesDevelop positive change guiding principles Create future state operating modelCreate future state operating model Create future state roadmapCreate future state roadmap Dream & Design Dream & DesignDefined
Define: Articulate the Intent Phase 1: Eight Weeks from Define to Destiny Accelerating transformation ePositiveChange approach ®, Adaptive IT, DesignShop TM Integrated project team Kick-off interview: defining success – “The Way We Work” Weekly ongoing transformation team meetings Sponsor Session (Design Day 1) Appreciative Inquiry theory and principles Conducted Positive Change interviews Developed tailored interview protocol
Discover: Sponsor Session Appreciative Inquiry Awareness AI theory and principles – David Cooperrider Conducted paired interviews Developed tailored interview protocol for IT organization Topics: Continuous transformation Revolutionary partnerships Adaptive and innovative environment
Discover: Interview Packet Structure Purpose of interviews Overview of interview process Tips for conducting interviews Interview questions Interview summary collection form
Discover: Interview Process Logistics Interview protocol validated Positive Change sub-team session to validate interview packet design Pilot interviews 130 interviews conducted in three weeks Broad cross section of IT organization and client stakeholder population
Dream & Design: Three Days to Destiny Positive Change components/inputs Quotable quote wall Compelling stories Visions of the future - novelty What is valued most - continuity Positive Core Positive Deviant profile
Dream & Design: Three Days to Destiny (Cont.) Developed transformation guiding principles To design future state operating model To guide implementation Iterated Positive Core and Positive Deviant profile Integrated Positive Change approach with CGEY’s DesignShop TM approach
Destiny: Dream and Design Defined Commitment statement signed Created future state operating model – consulting services model Created future state activities roadmap Actions since DesignShop
Deploy: Delivering and Sustaining the Destiny Embed Positive Change in work streams Develop interview protocol for selecting key leaders Design and deliver leadership launch sessions Design and deliver functional summits Create positive change network
Lessons Learned Strong validation for Appreciative Inquiry approach in transformation efforts Positive change interview data and process ignited this transformation Helped shift to positive vocabulary – consulting team and client organization Trust the process – get multiple viewpoints and voices in the room, creates meaningful dialogue
Lessons Learned (Cont.) Best way to enroll people is to experience the interview process Shift towards leading change and co-creating future organization & operating model Demonstrated value of combining positive change approach with DesignShop methodology Modified CGEY’s Adaptive IT approach
Revolutionary Partnerships The mark of a revolutionary partnership is doing things radically different together. Not only different, but quicker, with a common focus, leveraging each other’s diverse strengths. Also, establishing new ways of doing business that are based on trust, mutual respect and a shared vision. Think of a time when you were part of a revolutionary partnership, a time in your life – at work, or in your personal or community life, when you not only met the other person(s) half way, but met and exceeded needs on both sides. Describe the situation in detail. What made it feel radically different? Who was involved? How did you interact differently, what were the outcomes and benefits you experienced?