An example story BIOL E-127 – 9/24/07 (Nature 394:69-72)
Experimental design
Diversity observed in still medium after 7 days
Diversity & cell counts over time in each environment StillShaken
Maintenance of high diversity requires continued heterogeneity shaken still shaken still
Fitness of each is ‘frequency-dependent’
And a world was created in 7 days…
For Monday…
WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 2009 James Watson & E. O. Wilson time: 5:30 pm location: Sanders Theater Still tickets available for students… (HMNH admissions 26 Oxford St.)
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2009 Microbial Sciences Initiative Eric Alm MIT, Dept. of Biological Engineering “AGE of Innovation: a story about how life learned to breathe and thrive as recorded in hundreds of microbial genomes” Sept. 10 6PM Location: Center for the Environment (Rm 310) 24 Oxford St, Harvard University, Cambridge Please join us for a wine and cheese reception at 5:30 pm - MSI Seminar Schedule: Directions to 24 Oxford St: