Mapping Review Vocabulary and Map Skills
Vocabulary What am I? I am a flat representation of the earth or a part of the earth.
Vocabulary What Are We? We are the seven large bodies of land that are on the earth.
Vocabulary What Are We? We are the Earth’s five large bodies of water.
Vocabulary What am I? I am a small model of the earth.
Vocabulary What am I? I am half a sphere; a way the earth is divided.
Vocabulary What am I? I am an imaginary horizontal line of latitude around the center of earth.
Vocabulary What am I? I am an imaginary vertical line of longitude that separates the Eastern and Western Hemispheres.
Where in the World? ? North America ? South America ? Africa ? Europe ?Asia ? Australia ?Antarctica
Where in the World? ? Pacific Ocean ? Indian Ocean ? Atlantic Ocean ? Arctic Ocean Southern Ocean
Parts of the Map Point to the map scale. Map scale Point to the locator. Locator Point to the map key (legend). Legend/Key Point to the map title. Title Point to the compass rose.Point to the symbol for mountains. Mountain symbols
Types of Maps What type of map is shown below? a)Political mapb) Physical map c) Historical mapd) Road map This map shows information about something that happened in the past.
Types of Maps What type of map is shown below? a)Political mapb) Physical map c) Historical mapd) Road map This map shows the natural shapes of the land in the United States.
Types of Maps What type of map is shown below? a)Political mapb) Physical map c) Historical mapd) Road map This map shows man-made borders with cities, states, and countries.
Types of Maps What type of map is shown below? a)Political mapb) Physical map c) Historical mapd) Road map This map shows routes of travel in New Jersey.
The Compass Rose NE SESW NW
Map Key River Mountains Lake Boat Camp Treasure Oil Treasure Island forest lake
Map Key River Mountains Lake Boat Camp Treasure Oil Treasure Island Coast coal Ocean fish forest